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发布时间:2023-10-23 15:40:56

[填空题]What sort of people is this article written for It aims at ______

更多"What sort of people is this article"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What sort of pets do people bring to the surgery mainly
A. Cats and dogs.
B. Snakes and parrots.
C. Rats and ferrets.
[填空题]Remarkable People What makes a person remarkable The word "remarkable" means " (21) " or "worthy of notice. " A remarkable person, then, is someone who is unusual, who is worthy of our noticing. Of course being "unusual" or "worthy of notice" does (22) mean being famous or (23) . Many famous people are not remarkable, and many people who are truly remarkable are not famous. These people are remarkable because all of them, (24) and then worked hard to achieve them. Perhaps that is the (25) of remarkable (26) people with the courage, strength and perseverance to work—and keep on working—toward something that they (27) . As booker T. Washington once said, "Success is to be measured not so much by the (28) that one has reached in life as by the (29) which he has overcome while trying to succeed. We can learn a great deal from people we consider to be remarkable. We can (30) by their work and their way of being because they enable us to see what i
[填空题]I asked successful people what the secret of their success was. I recall an early (26) with a vice president of a large oil company. "Oh, I just keep a To Do List," he said. I passed over that quickly, little (27) the importance of what he said. I was in another city the next day and I had lunch with a businessman who (28) owned the town. He was (29) of the gas and light company, president of five (30) companies, and had his hand in a dozen other (31) . I asked him how he managed to get everything done. "Oh, that’s easy," he said. "I keep a To Do List."
The first thing in the morning, he told me, he would come in and list what he wanted to (32) that day. He would (33) the items in priority. (34) . In the evening he would check to see how many of the items he had written down still remained undone and then give himself a score. (35) .
Again and again in the years since, when I have ta


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