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发布时间:2024-02-20 02:20:06

[填空题]In some societies certain foods are not eaten because they are not considered acceptable by society.

更多"In some societies certain foods are"的相关试题:

[填空题]The chief foods eaten in any country _________________________. (大体取决于什么作物在其天气和土壤条件下生长得最好)
[填空题]Some foods can be kept longer if they are put in an airtight(contain) ______ .
[单项选择]All that can be eaten ______ eaten up.
A. are being
B. has been
C. had been D.have been
[填空题]Shakespeare got rich through theater business because he had royalties and copyright.
[单项选择]Adult education develops fast recently partly because ______.
A) people think it necessary to get diploma in order to find better jobs
B) people regard it as a good way to kill time since they have more leisure time
G) the easily changeable world politics requires fast update of knowledge
D) learning activities attract people to take further education

A. the easily changeable world politics requires fast update of knowledge
B. Adult education develops fast recently partly because ______.
C. people think it necessary to get diploma in order to find better jobs
D. people regard it as a good way to kill time since they have more leisure time
E. learning activities attract people to take further education
[填空题]Some sweet foods, ______________________, contain chocolate.

[单项选择]Ruth Handler invented something in 1959 which became so quintessentially American as to be included in the official " America’s Time Capsule" buried at the celebration of the Bicentennial in 1976: the Barbie doll.
In the early 1950s, Handler saw that her young daughter, Barbara, and her girlfriends enjoyed playing with adult female dolls as much or more than with baby dolls. Handler sensed that it was just as important for girls to imagine what they themselves might grow up to become as it was for them to focus on what caring for children might be like.
Inspired by her daughter’s fascination with adult paper dolls, Ruth Handier suggested making a three-dimensional doll through which little girls could act out their dreams. In 1959, Mattel introduced the Barbie doll (named after the Handlers’ daughter), a pint-sized model of the "girl next door. " Soon enough Barbie sprouted a coterie of friends and family. Ken (named for the Handlers’ son) , Barbie’s boyfriend, appeared in 19
A. act and imitate
B. express
C. realize
D. do
[单项选择] Should We Eat Living Foods or Dead Foods Why should this question arise Because the peoples of America and the world suffer grievously from widespread disease. Recent research has revealed that the quality of nutrients we put into our bodies determines the quality of our lives. We are all aware that engines perform well or poorly, depending upon the quality of the fuel used. Few of us realize that food quality directly determines our physical and mental performance abilities. I frequently receive phone calls and letters that go like this: Is it okay to eat corn Potatoes Bread Prepared cereals Beans Tofu And many other substances which must be cooked in order to be eaten. What questioners really meant was why these foods aren’’t okay I must then tell them of the many evils and curses that result from the eating of foods that have been heat deranged(扰乱). I tell them: "If you can’’t relish(享受) it in the fresh raw state, you shouldn’’t be eating it
A. Y
B. N


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