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发布时间:2023-11-21 19:42:09

[单项选择] Go Ahead—Cook with It

It’s grapefruit season. From now through March, the golden orbs are ripe for the picking. And they’re not just for breakfast any more.
Hanging around on trees all about California: grapefruit—heavy with juice, tartly sweet, beguilingly perfumed.Round and yellow as happy faces or suns, they seem to ripe just as the general populace sinks into its annual round of post-holiday dietary self-chastisement.
Coincidence Perhaps. But we say run with it.
Look beyond the obvious salvo of half a grapefruit for breakfast attacked with a jagged spoon and you’ll find a marvelous fruit for peeling and eating out of hanD.There’s nothing like it for inducing simultaneous feelings of gastronomic piety and delight at recapturing a long-lost pleasure. It’s sensual: the aroma of essential oils as they spurt daintily from the pores of the thic
A. The grapefruit becomes ripe just after a holiday in a year so that people can consume more food.
B. The grapefruit matures in autumn to provide people with a kind of rich food.
C. The grapefruit can provide people with a kind of favorite fruit when they have been on diet for a few days after the Christmas holiday during which they ate too many rich foods.
D. The grapefruit matures as self-chastisement for people.

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[单项选择] Go Ahead—Cook with It

It’s grapefruit season. From now through March, the golden orbs are ripe for the picking. And they’re not just for breakfast any more.
Hanging around on trees all about California: grapefruit—heavy with juice, tartly sweet, beguilingly perfumed.Round and yellow as happy faces or suns, they seem to ripe just as the general populace sinks into its annual round of post-holiday dietary self-chastisement.
Coincidence Perhaps. But we say run with it.
Look beyond the obvious salvo of half a grapefruit for breakfast attacked with a jagged spoon and you’ll find a marvelous fruit for peeling and eating out of hanD.There’s nothing like it for inducing simultaneous feelings of gastronomic piety and delight at recapturing a long-lost pleasure. It’s sensual: the aroma of essential oils as they spurt daintily from the pores of the thic
A. Fry it with meat.
B. Section and scatter it.
C. Bake with it.
D. Candy its peel.

[单项选择]蛇经常会把舌头伸出来,并不是用它来吸收水分,或者想感受新鲜空气,或者是一种习惯性的动作,而是用它来帮助闻味进而来寻找食物和判断所处的环境。蛇经常伸出舌头来是为了什么?( )
A. 用舌头帮助闻味进而来寻找食物和判断所处的环境
B. 吸收水分
C. 想感受新鲜空气
D. 是一种习惯性的动作
[填空题]构造方法是类中的一种特殊方法,用它来定义对象的【 】。


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