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发布时间:2023-10-15 05:27:09

[简答题]You saw in the Pharmaceutical Bulletin a position for a technical specialist and you wanted to apply for it. Provide information about yourself. (100~120 words).
Don’t write your own name at the end of the letter!

更多"You saw in the Pharmaceutical Bulle"的相关试题:

[简答题]You saw in the Pharmaceutical Bulletin a position for a technical specialist and you wanted to apply for it. Provide information about yourself. (100~120 words). Don’t write your own name at the end of the letter!
[简答题]You saw an advertisement in a local newspaper. You wanted to apply for the position of the manager.
Write a letter,
(1) expressing your interest in this position;
(2) showing your abilities;
(3) hoping to get an interview.
You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use "Wang Lin" instead. You do not need to write the address.

M: When you saw the accident, did you ring us immediately
M: Yes, the first thing which struck me was to call the police.

From the conversation what is the probable relationship between the two speaker()
A. Policeman and policewoman.
B. Policeman and witness of an accident.
C. Bus driver and victim.
D. Policeman and thief.
[填空题]If you had spoken to him last time you saw him, you ______ (know) what to do now.
[简答题]part 2& 3Describe an interesting story you saw on television What are the effects of televisions on family life What are the effects of televisions on people at different ages Are there any differences between interviewing online and meeting people face to face
[简答题]Part 2&3Describe an interesting story you saw on television What are the effects of televisions on family life What are the effects of televisions on people at different ages Are there any differences between interviewing online and meeting people face to face
[简答题]Where was _______you saw the man
[简答题]Part 2 & Part 3Describe a time when you saw a wild animal. Do you think zoos are good or bad Why do you think wild animals should be protected Why do you think films or books for children so often include animals
[填空题]In some jobs, the position you hold must be reapplied for.
[填空题]If you think you are fit for the position, you can______(在本周内在线提交简历).

[简答题]Instructions: You recently saw this notice in an English-language magazine called Film World.
Reviews needed

Have you been to the cinema recently If so, could you write us a review of the film you saw Include information on the characters, setting and plot, and say whether you would recommend the film to other people. The best reviews will be published next month.
Write your review in 100 words. Now write your review on the Answer Sheet.
[单项选择]When you first saw a piece of African art, it
impressed you as a unit; you did not see it as a col-
lection of shapes or forms. This, of course, means
Line that the shapes and volumes within the sculpture
(5) itself were coordinated so successfully that the
viewer was affected emotionally.
It is entirely valid to ask how, from a purely artis-
tic point of view, this unity was achieved. And we
must also inquire whether there is a recurrent pat-
(10) tern or rules or a plastic language and vocabulary
which is responsible for the powerful communica-
tion of emotion which the best African sculpture
achieves. If there is such a pattern or rules, are
these rules applied consciously or instinctively to
(15) obtain so many works of such high artistic quality
It is obvious from the study of art history that an
intense and unified emotional experien
A. mass reproduction
B. unrealistic qualities
C. modernistic orientation
D. sculptural symbols
E. (E) repetitive nature


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