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发布时间:2024-07-29 02:38:29

[单项选择](1) In trying to understand and control youth gangs, investigators and scholars have assembled what amounts to anthropological studies of gang characteristics. Police files record everything from the face that the Crips in Los Angeles wear blue while rival Bloods wear red to intricate details of the Satanic rituals and grave desecrations committed by white gangs known as "atones" or "heavy metalers." These and other rituals make it clear that youth gangs ate fat more than mere social clubs or business organizations--they are highly developed subcultures.
(2) The key determinant of gang’s culture is the neighborhood, known bu blacks and Hispanic gangs members as "the’ hood." Hispanic gangs, especially, identify strong with their "barrios," swatches of land often sandwiched between freeways and railroad tracks in which the same gang might have lived and fought for several generations.
(3) The nature of the hood can make a difference in how police approach gang crime. His
A. identify the racial makeup of its membership
B. designate the turf, or neighborhood, in which it operates
C. attract new members
D. provide clues to gang’s mission

更多"(1) In trying to understand and con"的相关试题:

[单项选择](1) In trying to understand and control youth gangs, investigators and scholars have assembled what amounts to anthropological studies of gang characteristics. Police files record everything from the face that the Crips in Los Angeles wear blue while rival Bloods wear red to intricate details of the Satanic rituals and grave desecrations committed by white gangs known as "atones" or "heavy metalers." These and other rituals make it clear that youth gangs ate fat more than mere social clubs or business organizations--they are highly developed subcultures.
(2) The key determinant of gang’s culture is the neighborhood, known bu blacks and Hispanic gangs members as "the’ hood." Hispanic gangs, especially, identify strong with their "barrios," swatches of land often sandwiched between freeways and railroad tracks in which the same gang might have lived and fought for several generations.
(3) The nature of the hood can make a difference in how police approach gang crime. His
A. they follow unwritten codes of behavior
B. their clothing symbolizes their values
C. they separate themselves from mainstream society
D. they adhere to Satanic laws
[单项选择]When scientists are trying to understand a particular set of phenomena, they often make use of a "model." A model, in the scientists’ sense, is a kind of analogy or mental image of the phenomena in terms of something we are familiar with. One example is the wave model of light. We cannot see light as if it were made up of waves because experiments on light indicate that it behaves in many respects as water waves do.
The purpose of a model is to give us a mental or visual picture -- something to hold onto -- when we cannot see what is actually happening. Models often give us a deeper understanding: the analogy to a known system (for instance, water waves in the above example) can suggest new experiments to perform and can provide ideas about what other related phenomena might occur.
Another example of a scientific model would be ______.
A. a map
B. a paper airplane
C. an atom
D. a light bulb
[单项选择]Passage Three When trying to understand why some people have trouble living within their means, we tend to blame factors such as high interest rates and irresponsible spending. Now researchers have found another possible factor to add to the list: a gene linked to credit-card debt. Earlier work has shown that genetics plays a role in how we handle money. But a recent study was the first to show that a particular gene affects financial behavior outside the lab. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, and the London School of Economics looked at genetic data and questionnaires already collected from more than 2,000 young adults aged 18 to 26 as part of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. In particular, they looked at whether these young adults said they had any credit-card debt and what version of the MAOA gene they had. Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) (甲型单胺氧化酶) is an enzyme that breaks down the signaling chemicals called neuro-transmitters in
A. credit-card debt is mainly attributed to high interest rates
B. reckless spending is a major cause of a person’ s debt
C. young adults tend to spend more money than they earn
D. whether we overspend or not is probably determined by a particular gene
[填空题]To understand better the forces that control human aging and longevity, we have tried to determine whether the longer lifespan of females might be part of some grand Darwinian scheme. Gender differences in longevity have been (51) in other members of the animal kingdom: in fact, in almost all species that have been observed in the wild, females (52) to live longer than males. Female macaques live an (53) of eight years longer than males, for example, and female sperm whales outlive their male (54) by an average of 30 years.
It seems that a species’ lifespan is roughly correlated (55) the length of time that its young remain (56) on adults. We have come to believe that (57) a significant, long-term investment of energy is required to ensure the survival of offspring, evolution favors longevity—in (58) , female longevity. Indeed, we believe that the necessity for female (59) in the human reproductive cycle has (60)


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