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发布时间:2023-10-22 17:58:58

[填空题]Africa and Middle East are the districts facing most severe water shortage.

更多"Africa and Middle East are the dist"的相关试题:

[填空题]Africa and Middle East are the districts facing most severe water shortage.

[填空题]tents from the Middle East
[填空题]Democracy was expected in all Middle East nations under the influence of Iraq.


Many in the Middle East have difficulty in adjusting themselves to the new situation created by the departure of the imperial powers. For the first time in almost 200 years, the rulers and people of the Middle East have to accept the final responsibility for their own affairs, to make their own mistakes and to accept the consequences. This is difficult to internalize, even to perceive, after so long a period. For the entire lifetimes of those who formulate and conduct policy at the present time and of their predecessors for many generations, vital decisions were made elsewhere, ultimate control lay elsewhere, and the principal task of statesmanship and diplomacy was as far as possible to avoid or reduce the dangers of this situation and to exploit such opportunities as it might from time to time offer. It is very difficult to forsake the habits not just of a lifetime but of a whole era of history. The difficulty is much greater when alien cultural, social and economic preeminence
A. they were rather backward and in bad need of foreign assistance
B. they were accustomed to being ruled by an alien force
C. they were plunged into war after the departure of the imperial powers
D. the imperial powers left them nothing but disorder

[单项选择]Out of the 325 million laborers in the Middle East and North Africa, 63 percent are women and 32 percent university students.
A. True
B. False
[单项选择]The Middle East has called a "museum of religious and linguistic history." The origin and growth of the Copts in the Nile valley show the truth of this statement. The present Coptic language is the latest stage in a long evolutionary process beginning with the language of the Pharaohs influenced by many conquering tongues, such as Greed, brought to the Nile Valley twenty-three hundred years ago by Alexander the Great.
The Copts axe a mixture of the oldest known inhabitants of the Middle East with every successive conqueror. Today they number four million in what is now the Arab Republic of Egypt, a country of almost forty million. The word Egypt itself comes from "Copt", the Greek way of saying Ha-Ka-Ptah, or "the land where the God Ptah is worshiped." Coptic continued as a language and a nationality when Egypt became the bread basket of the Roman Empire. By 313 A.D., when Constantine embraced Christianity in the name of the whole Roman Empire, the majority of Egyptians were Chr
A. in about 400 B.C.
B. in about 300 B.C.
C. C.in about 400 D.
D. D.in about 300 D.


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