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发布时间:2024-07-31 02:52:52

[简答题]{{B}}What the possible disadvantages could be of staff working extra hours What other steps the company could take to deal with the unexpected increase in orders {{/B}}

更多"{{B}}What the possible disadvantage"的相关试题:

[多项选择]What the possible disadvantages could be of staff working extra hours
What other steps the company could take to deal with the unexpected increase in orders

[单项选择]What could scientists do if Robert’s theory proves to be true()
A. They could drive the insects away.
B. They could keep the plants well watered.
C. They could build devices to trap insects.
D. They could make the plants grow faster.
[简答题]{{B}} WHAT’S WRONG WITH BIG-BUDGET MOVIES {{/B}} In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
[单项选择]What’s the man’s attitude towards what’s happening
A. He’s unwilling to wait in line.
B. He’s satisfied with the purchase.
C. It’s worthwhile to queue for tickets.
D. He’s impatient with the ticket sellers.
[单项选择]What could be expected as a result of Jenny’s efforts
[A] Restrictions on cell phone use while driving.
[B] Restrictions on using cell phone.
[C] Awareness of not using cell phone.
[D] People’s sympathy.
[单项选择]What could be expected as a result of Pania’s efforts()
A. More strict training of women drivers.
B. Restrictions on cell phone use while driving.
C. Improved traffic conditions in cities.
D. New regulations to ensure children’s safety.

Conversation 2

What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?()
A. Teacher and student.
B. Classmates.
C. Father and daughter.
D. Mother and son.
[简答题]{{B}}Could you tell us what improvements you think technology is bringing to the working lives of people in your country Could you tell us what you think have been the most significant changes recently in work practices in China {{/B}}
[单项选择]{{B}}Conversation Two{{/B}}

What’s Tim’s study strategy for reading
[简答题]{{B}}What steps could companies take to ensure that existing customers remain loyal (Why / Why not ){{/B}}
[简答题]{{B}}Could you tell me what influence you think international business is having on work practices in China Why {{/B}}
[简答题]{{B}}Could you tell me what influence you think the media has nowadays on business life in China {{/B}}
[简答题]{{B}}Could you tell me what influence you think globalization is having on business life in China {{/B}}
What’s Susan’s job a. She’s got no job. b. She’s doing nothing but playing computer. c. She’s doing a part-time job. d. She’s working at home.
[简答题]{{B}}What effects moving premises could have on staff How suppliers and customers might be affected by the relocation {{/B}}

M: Excuse me. Could you help me
W: What’s the matter
M: I need a photograph, but I can’t read English very well. How do I get a photo from this machine
W: Oh, I see. Well, do you want color or black and white
M: Color.
W: Right. So that’s this booth. First of all, select your background.
M: Could you say that again please
W: "Select." That means "choose" the curtain behind you. You see. Which color do you want
M: Blue.
W: Adjust. Oh, move the stool to the correct height like this. Do you want one large or four small photos
M: Four small.
W: So turn the dial to the four photos.
M: Dial
W: Yes. That’s the thing you turn. Yes, that’s it. Right. Sit down and put your money in. Have you got a pound
M: Yes, two fifty pieces.
W: Don’t put them in. It only takes pound coins.
M: Oh. Have you got one Could I


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