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发布时间:2024-07-31 01:46:00

[单项选择]When she graduates from Columbia University next year with a master’s degree in public health, Erin Wheeler is hoping to get a job in international reproductive (生殖的) health. The 26-year-old post-graduate has always wanted to work in public service. But public service doesn’t pay much, and her two-year program at Columbia costs about $ 50,000 a year with living expenses. She has a scholarship from Columbia that covers just $ 4,000 a year and has taken out loans to pay for the rest. She worries that she will spend years paying back her student loans and not have money left over to put away in an IRA (个人退休账户). Wheeler is wondering what she can do to ease the pain of being in debt. Is there anything she can do to handle the debt
The good news is that in 2007, Congress recognized that there were so many students in Wheeler’s position that it passed the College Cost Reduction and Access Act. There were two programs established by this act that Wheeler should look into.
The first i
A. The interest of the loans will be lowered.
B. The total amount of debt could be reduced.
C. The income tax will be cut down.
D. People will have more time to pay back the debt.

更多"When she graduates from Columbia Un"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When she graduates from Columbia University next year with a master’s degree in public health, Erin Wheeler is hoping to get a job in international reproductive (生殖的) health. The 26-year-old post-graduate has always wanted to work in public service. But public service doesn’t pay much, and her two-year program at Columbia costs about $ 50,000 a year with living expenses. She has a scholarship from Columbia that covers just $ 4,000 a year and has taken out loans to pay for the rest. She worries that she will spend years paying back her student loans and not have money left over to put away in an IRA (个人退休账户). Wheeler is wondering what she can do to ease the pain of being in debt. Is there anything she can do to handle the debt
The good news is that in 2007, Congress recognized that there were so many students in Wheeler’s position that it passed the College Cost Reduction and Access Act. There were two programs established by this act that Wheeler should look into.
The first i
A. $8,000.
B. $50,000.
C. $75,000.
D. $92,000.
[多项选择] China’s university graduates are facing the toughest job market. Why does the unemployment rate among university graduates worries people
Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:
Degrees, but No Jobs

You are to write in three parts.
In the first part, state specifically what your view is.
In the second part, support your view with one or two reasons.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

[填空题]University graduates have an advantage _____ others I getting a job.
[单项选择]When she (came) back from Hollywood, she wanted to (tell) everybody (about) all the stars and exciting people (who) she had seen.
A. came
B. tell
C. about
D. who
[单项选择]What did she do when she found the noise came from the waste-paper basket
[填空题]When she got back from the South, Susan had her car(wash)()thoroughly.
[填空题]Caroline was overjoyed when she learned that she had won a ______ from Cambridge. (scholar)
[填空题]One’ s brain becomes blank when he or she doesn’ t have a dream.

Automatic Doors in Egypt

When you next step through the doors of a supermarket,spare a thought for Heron,a talented specialist of ancient "high tech" engineering. Nearly two thousand years ago he designed automatically opening doors for the temples of the Egyptian city of Alexandna.
Heron had a talent for designing mechanical wonders to surprise people and make people happy. (46) was a gift to the Egyptian priests,who for centuries had used wonder mechanical or otherwise,as a way of strengthening their authority.
Employing relatively simple mechanical principles, Heron devised a means (47) as if by unseen hands--when the priest lit a fire on the altar outside the temple. The fire heated the air in a metal globe placed beneath the altar ,foreign the water in it through a pipe into an enormous bucket. The bucket was suspended by chains from a system of weights and pulleys, which turned the doors on thei


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