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发布时间:2024-07-31 21:11:05

[单项选择]Who’s to blame The trail of responsibility goes beyond poor maintenance of British railways, say industry critics. Stingy governments — both Labor and Tory —have cut down on investments in trains and rails. In the mid-1990s a Conservative government pushed through the sale of the entire subsidy-guzzling rail network. Operating franchises were parceled out among private companies and a separate firm, Railtrack, was awarded ownership of the tracks and stations. In the future, the theory ran back then, the private sector could pay for any improvements— with a little help from the state—and take the blame for any failings.
Today surveys show that travelers believe privatization is one of the reasons for the railways’ failures. They ask whether the pursuit of profits is compatible with guaranteeing safety. Worse, splitting the network between companies has made coordination nearly impossible. "The railway was torn apart at privatization and the structure that was put in place was ..
A. its structural design
B. the pursuit of profit
C. its inefficient network
D. the lack of safety guarantees

更多"Who’s to blame The trail of respon"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Who’s to blame The trail of responsibility goes beyond poor maintenance of British railways, say industry critics. Stingy governments — both Labor and Tory —have cut down on investments in trains and rails. In the mid-1990s a Conservative government pushed through the sale of the entire subsidy-guzzling rail network. Operating franchises were parceled out among private companies and a separate firm, Railtrack, was awarded ownership of the tracks and stations. In the future, the theory ran back then, the private sector could pay for any improvements— with a little help from the state—and take the blame for any failings.
Today surveys show that travelers believe privatization is one of the reasons for the railways’ failures. They ask whether the pursuit of profits is compatible with guaranteeing safety. Worse, splitting the network between companies has made coordination nearly impossible. "The railway was torn apart at privatization and the structure that was put in place was ... d
[单项选择]Who’s to blame The trail of responsibility goes beyond poor maintenance of British railways, say industry critics. Stingy governments — both Labor and Tory —have cut down on investments in trains and rails. In the mid-1990s a Conservative government pushed through the sale of the entire subsidy-guzzling rail network. Operating franchises were parceled out among private companies and a separate firm, Railtrack, was awarded ownership of the tracks and stations. In the future, the theory ran back then, the private sector could pay for any improvements— with a little help from the state—and take the blame for any failings.
Today surveys show that travelers believe privatization is one of the reasons for the railways’ failures. They ask whether the pursuit of profits is compatible with guaranteeing safety. Worse, splitting the network between companies has made coordination nearly impossible. "The railway was torn apart at privatization and the structure that was put in place was ..
A. trace the failure of Britain’s rail network to its defective origin
B. remind people the glorious past of Britain’s railway
C. argue for Britain’s rail network
D. call for impartiality in assessing the situation
[单项选择]Who claimed responsibility for the kidnapping
A. An armed group based in India.
B. Islamic rebels based in Kashmir.
C. An armed group based in Pakistan.
D. Islamic rebels based in Banglades
[单项选择]Who claimed responsibility for the attack
A. Nobody.
B. Muslim militants.
C. An Islamic organization.
D. The Algerian government.
[填空题]A manager who always criticize or blame his superiors for their decisions will be considered disloyal and his own staff will also follow his bad example.
[单项选择]Who set the trail last year for the Israeli Moslems
A. Three lawyers.
B. Three Saudi Arabia Judges.
C. Three Israeli Judges.
D. Three soldiers.
[单项选择]To parents who take the responsibility for children’ s expenses, the cost of living increases because children are better dressed.
A. 对那些给孩子们花钱的父母而言,生活费的提高是因为孩子们穿着越来越好。
B. 对那些负担孩子花费的父母而言,因为孩子们穿着越来越好,所以生活开支增加。
C. 对那些负担孩子花费的父母而言,因为孩子们穿着越来越好,所以生活水平提高。
D. 对那些给孩子们零花钱的父母而言,生活水平的提高体现在孩子们穿着越来越好。
[单项选择]Who did Paul think was to blame for the accident
A. The driver of the sports car.
B. The two girls inside the car.
C. The man standing nearby.
D. The salesman from London.


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