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发布时间:2024-05-24 19:17:07

[填空题]The word "plastic" comes from the Greek word "plastikos" and is used to describe something which can be easily shaped. You will see what a{{U}} (36) {{/U}}name this is for "plastics". No other{{U}} (37) {{/U}}in the history of the world has been used for so many different{{U}} (38) {{/U}}. But what special qualities do plastics have The{{U}} (39) {{/U}}of plastics is one of their most{{U}} (40) {{/U}}qualities. Think how easy it is to lift plastic{{U}} (41) {{/U}}! Think, too, how light plastic containers are! A{{U}} (42) {{/U}}man can carry many more plastic containers than containers made of wood or{{U}} (43) {{/U}}or glass. It is quite extraordinary how many different kinds and qualities of plastics there are.{{U}} (44) {{/U}}They can be made so strong that they will last almost for ever, or so thin and cheap{{U}} (45) {{/U}}They can be made as clear as glass or completely black.{{U}} (46) {{/U}}.They can even be made to look like wood or leather or ru

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[填空题]The word "plastic" comes from the Greek word "plastikos" and is used to describe something which can be easily shaped. You will see what a{{U}} (36) {{/U}}name this is for "plastics". No other{{U}} (37) {{/U}}in the history of the world has been used for so many different{{U}} (38) {{/U}}. But what special qualities do plastics have The{{U}} (39) {{/U}}of plastics is one of their most{{U}} (40) {{/U}}qualities. Think how easy it is to lift plastic{{U}} (41) {{/U}}! Think, too, how light plastic containers are! A{{U}} (42) {{/U}}man can carry many more plastic containers than containers made of wood or{{U}} (43) {{/U}}or glass. It is quite extraordinary how many different kinds and qualities of plastics there are.{{U}} (44) {{/U}}They can be made so strong that they will last almost for ever, or so thin and cheap{{U}} (45) {{/U}}They can be made as clear as glass or completely black.{{U}} (46) {{/U}}.They can even be made to look like wood or leather or ru
[单项选择]One meaning of the Greek word "dran" is to accomplish, and in this meaning lies a further key to the structure of drama. A play concerns a human agent attempting to accomplish some purpose. In tragedy his attempt is, in personal terms at least, unsuccessful; in comedy it is successful; in the problem play final accomplishment is often either ambiguous or doubtful.
This action, from the beginning to the end of a movement toward a purposed goal, must also have a middle; it must proceed through a number of steps, the succession of incidents which make up the plot. Because the dramatist is concerned with the meaning and logic of events rather than with their casual relationship in time, he will probably select his material and order it on a basis of the operation, in human affairs, of laws of cause and effect. It is in this causal relationship of incidents that the element of conflict, present in virtually all plays, appears. The central figure of the play--the protagonist---encounter
A. seldom believes what he writes about.
B. portrays what he experiences in the drams.
C. concerns himself with the results of human effort.
D. tries to convince his audience of what he believes.
[单项选择]There is not a Greek word which is the exact()of the English word "stile".
A. equivalent
B. copy
C. counterpart
D. meaning

One meaning of the Greek word "dran" is to accomplish, and in this meaning lies a further key to the structure of drama. A play concerns a human agent attempting to accomplish some purpose. In tragedy his attempt is, in personal terms at least, unsuccessful; in comedy it is successful; in the problem play final accomplishment is often either ambiguous or doubtful.
This action, from the beginning to the end of a movement toward a purposed goal, must also have a middle; it must proceed through a number of steps, the succession of incidents which make up the plot. Because the dramatist is concerned with the meaning and logic of events rather than with their casual relationship in time, he will probably select his material and order it on a basis of the operation, in human affairs, of laws of cause and effect. It is in this causal relationship of incidents that the element of conflict, present in virtually all plays, appears. The central figure of the play--the prot
A. clarifies the complicated relationship in his drams.
B. makes the relationship in his drama more complicated.
C. hopes to see his protagonist win an easy victory.
D. likes to present his protagonist as threatening fellows.


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