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发布时间:2024-07-31 19:54:09

[填空题]Touching not only serves to give babies the feeling of comfort and security but also helps them to develop the senses of sight and taste.

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[填空题]Touching not only serves to give babies the feeling of comfort and security but also helps them to develop the senses of sight and taste.

[填空题]Wheat cereals are suggested to give to babies weaned from breast milk in order to obtain iron.

  • A. to give the boss your advice
  • B. how he is feeling
  • C. the boss may have
  • D. what you really want to talk to him about
  • E. without suggesting a way to solve it
  • F. how unhappy you are

If you want to ask the boss for anything, it is important to find out first ______.
[单项选择]English speakers normally give only small gifts to ______ on his or her birthday.
A. a good friend
B. a new acquaintance
C. a casual friend
D. a public servant

The process of recycling can give things not only a new life but, in some cases, a different one. Glass bottles, for example, can become drinking glasses.
First, the base is removed from the bottle. Then the bottle is turned upside down and the neck is attached to the base. The used bottle that would have been thrown away has now become a good-looking drinking glass.
It is not easy to make this happen, though. The biggest problem is how to attach the base to the neck of the bottle turned upside down.
Two South African businessmen, Sean Penrith and Philip Tetley, looked for a large glass manufacturer that could do it. But they had no luck. So they experimented for eight months. After many bottles were broken, they found a way.
Their company, called Green Glass, won a Business of the Year award in 1994. It was voted among the best new businesses in South Africa. The inventors received worldwide patent rights to own the process they developed.
A. a, d, c, b
B. c, a, b, d
C. c, d, b, a
D. a, c, b, d

HOW do babies react to unfamiliar babies
A. They show fear.
B. They reach out to touch them.
C. They start to cry.
D. They turn to adults.
[单项选择]Humour, which ought to give rise to only the most light-hearted and gay feelings, can often stir up vehemence and animosity. Evidently it is dearer to us than we realize. Men will take almost any kind of criticism except the observation that they have no sense of humour. A man will admit to being a coward or a liar or a thief or a poor mechanic or a bad swimmer, but tell him he has a dreadful sense of humour and you might as well have slandered his mother. Even if he is civilized enough to pretend to make light of your statement, he will still secretly believe that he has not only a good sense of humour but one superior to most. He has, in other words, a completely blind spot on the subject. This is all the more surprising when you consider that not one man in ten million can give you any kind of intelligent answer as to what humour is or why he laughs.
One day when I was about twelve years old, it occurred to me to wonder about the phenomenon of laughter. At first I thought it is
A. demonstrate why people are amused
B. display what people laugh at
C. bring to light the phenomenon of laughter
D. describe what the phenomenon of laughter really is


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