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发布时间:2024-07-31 06:08:50

Noise Pollution

Psychologists now believe that noise has a considerable effect on people’s attitudes and behavior. Experiments have proved that in noisy situations (even temporary ones), people would have more irritability (躁易怒) and less cooperation. In more permanent noisy situations, many people cannot work hard, and they suffer from severe anxiety as well as other psychological problems. Some researchers, who study various aspects of effect of noise in people’s mental life, maintain that noise, either temporary noise or permanent noise, often destroy creativity and activity by disturbing people’s emotion and make them more irritable and hard to cooperate.
However, psychologists distinguish between "sound" and "noise". "Sound" is measured physically in decibels (分贝). "Noise" cannot be measured in the same way because it refers to the psychological effect of sound and its level of "intensity" depends on the situation. Thus, for pass
A. though they are receiving a lot of decibels of sound in fact
B. because it does not have any negative effect
C. because they do not have to tolerate the noise around them
D. even though it is sometimes unpleasant hearing strange sounds

更多"Noise Pollution Psychologists now "的相关试题:

Noise Pollution

Psychologists now believe that noise has a considerable effect on people’s attitudes and behavior. Experiments have proved that in noisy situations (even temporary ones), people would have more irritability (躁易怒) and less cooperation. In more permanent noisy situations, many people cannot work hard, and they suffer from severe anxiety as well as other psychological problems. Some researchers, who study various aspects of effect of noise in people’s mental life, maintain that noise, either temporary noise or permanent noise, often destroy creativity and activity by disturbing people’s emotion and make them more irritable and hard to cooperate.
However, psychologists distinguish between "sound" and "noise". "Sound" is measured physically in decibels (分贝). "Noise" cannot be measured in the same way because it refers to the psychological effect of sound and its level of "intensity" depends on the situation. Thus, for pass
A. can not complete his work in a noisy situation
B. will suffer from complete deafness because of noise pollution
C. can be psychologically affected by working in very noisy factories
D. may cooperate well in a noisy surrounding
[填空题]Psychologists believe that human beings can only use 10percent of their inborn ability to remember.
[填空题]Noise pollution is annoying, but does not result in any physical problems for people living in noisy areas.

Light pollution now has become a big problem and led to much waste in our society. It has been estimated that 30% of the electricity generated for outdoor illumination is wasted. Important, too, are the environmental costs of producing the energy to power wasted light. For example, for every kilowatt-hour of electricity used, almost two pounds of carbon dioxide and almost two grams of sulphur dioxide are emitted into the environment. (46) Thus by simply eliminating wasted light, those amounts can be substantially reduced with no negative effect on necessary lighting and with decidedly positive environmental benefits for the region.
For individuals and families another significant issue is that of light intrusion, the spilling of un- wanted light onto private property. This concern is already addressed in some local zoning codes where maximum light levels at property lines are established. (47) But as the problem becomes more common, homeowners may also sense tha

[填空题]is now believing, is now believed, has now believed, taught, teaching, being taught It ______ that foreign languages are most easily ______ to young children.
[简答题]Why do people believe now that Disney is setting the pace for the industry (Para. 5)
[单项选择]It’’ s time ______about the noise pollution late at night.
A. something will be done
B. everything is done
C. something was done
D. everything will be done
[填空题]Sports stadiums now becomes a source of noise pollution because of ______.


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