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发布时间:2023-12-01 06:46:32


M: I came at 12 o’clock when I was going home for lunch, but you weren’t here.
W: No, I was training for tomorrow’s race. It’s 26 miles, you know.

What was the woman doing when the man came to her room ()
A. Preparing for the race of Marathons.
B. Preparing for the cycling race the next day.
C. Training for a hiking race.
D. Doing an experiment.

更多"[听力原文] M: I came at 12 o’cl"的相关试题:


M: I came at 12 o’clock when I was going home for lunch, but you weren’t here.
W: No, I was training for tomorrow’s race. It’s 26 miles, you know.

What was the woman doing when the man came to her room ()
A. Preparing for the race of Marathons.
B. Preparing for the cycling race the next day.
C. Training for a hiking race.
D. Doing an experiment.

M: It’s two o’clock now. When will the train leave for Shanghai
W: It’s going to start at five o’clock and we have to wait here until then.

How long will they wait ()
A. Two hours.
B. Five hours.
C. Three hours.
D. Seven hours.

When we accept the evidence of our unaided eyes and describe the Sun as a yellow star, we have summed up the most important single fact about it—at this moment in time. It appears probable, however, that sunlight will be the color we know for only a small part of the Sun’s history.
Stars, like individuals, age and change. As we look out into space. We see around us stars at all stages of evolution. There are faint bloodred dwarfs school that their surface temperature is a mere 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, there are searing ghosts blazing at 100,000 degrees Fahrenheit and almost too hot to be seen, for the great part of their radiation is in the invisible ultraviolet range. Obviously, the "daylight" produced by any star depends on its temperature; today (and for ages to come) our Sun is at about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and this means that most of the Sun’s light is concentrated in the yellow band of the spectrum, falling slowly in
A. The dangers of invisible radiation.
B. Faint dwarf stars.
C. The Sun’s fuel problem.
D. The evolutionary cycle of the Sun.


W: Are you glad that you came to work in Washington
M: Yes, indeed. I’d considered going to New York or Boston, but I’ve never regretted my decision.

Where does the man live now’ ()
A. In New York.
B. In Michigan.
C. In Boston.
D. In Washington.

M: When are you leaving for South America
W: Not for a month at least. I didn’ t even apply for a passport until a week ago.

What did the woman say ()
A. She applied for her passport last week.
B. She will leave for South America in a week.
C. She hasn’ t received her passport yet.
D. She plans to stay in South America for a month.
[简答题]Twelve o’clock came, and the last train was just starting out when the three of them came out of the bar running as fast as they could.

M: Look at the clock. It’s only twelve o’clock now.
W: No, that clock’s three minutes slow.

What is the correct time now ()
A. 12:00.
B. 12:03.
C. 11:57.
D. 12:57.

W: When your grandfather died in 1987, did you graduate
M: I finished school a year before he died.

When did the man graduate ()
A. In 1989.
B. In 1986.
C. In 1987.
D. In 1988.

W: When does the next bus for San Francisco leave
M: Buses leave for San Francisco every half-hour. You just missed the seven-thirty bus.

When will the next bus leave for San Francisco()
A. At 7:30.
B. At 8:30.
C. At 8:00.
D. At 9:00.

M: Did you leave the hotel when Mick did at 2:30 p. m.
W: No, I just left fifteen minutes after him.

When did the woman leave the hotel()
A. At 2:50 p.m.
B. At2:35 p.m.
C. At2:45 p.m.

M: Could you tell me when the next train leaves for Taiyuan
W: The next train leaves in ten minutes. If you run, you might just catch it.

What will the man probably do()
A. Catch the thief.
B. Hurry to get on the train.
C. Wait for another train.
D. Fix his torn sleeve.

M: I first read Ulysses when I was eighteen, but I didn’t understand much of it.
W: No wonder. It is one of the most complex novels in the English language.
O: Why isn’t the woman surprised at the man’s statement()

A. Because he doesn’t have a good knowledge of English.
B. Because the novel is too difficult to understand.
C. Because he is so young.
D. Because she didn’t understand it either.

W:Do you know when Jim comes back home
M:He was supposed to arrive this weekend, but actually he’s coming the day after tomorrow.

What time will Jim come back()
A. This weekend.
B. In two days’ time.
C. The day before yesterday.
D. Tomorrow.


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