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发布时间:2023-10-23 12:02:43

[填空题]According to the passage, who are still not aware of the importance of a seat belt

更多"According to the passage, who are s"的相关试题:

[填空题]According to the passage, men who cross the sexual segregation line in the job market may still are confronted with ______.

According to the passage, who first used the umbrella as sunshade in Europe
In Europe, ()were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade.

[填空题]According to the passage, who was John D. Rockfeller He was a ______ , gave away millions.
[单项选择]According to the passage, the colonists who participated and supported the American Revolution initially did so
A. with the goal of replacing a corrupt system of power with a more egalitarian one
B. in order to preserve and retain the monarch’s powers, so that they would not be usurped by Parliament
C. primarily in an effort to gain more votes from their dissatisfied political supporters
D. with the foremost intent of achieving a greater level of profit from the system already in place
E. as an endeavor predicated upon the ultimate aim of achieving national sovereignty and independence
[单项选择]Passage 2

According to a WHO report, what is the reason for the increases of chronic diseases a. Because the economic gains in many countries have increased. b. Because the environmental pollution is getting more serious. c. Because the people do not have enough money to cure these diseases. d. Because there are not sufficient funds for the treatment of chronic diseases.
[填空题]According to the passage, for those who are good at telling lies and don’t get caught, the question of whether or not to lie can be a hard and serious ______.

[单项选择]Passage Five
Anyone who has ever attended a university knows that the quality of lecturers varies greatly. A few are very effective communicators, conveying the substance of their lectures clearly and interestingly and inspiring students to want to know more about the subject. Others produce dull lectures from which the students learn little and which are likely to kill any interest they may have in the subject. Lecturing is a major part of a university lecturer’s job and it would seem reasonable that effectiveness in this task should be a major standard in assessing a lecturer for promotion. However, it is very often the case that far more weight is given to such factors as participation in research, number of publications and even performance of administrative duties. My point of view is that a lecturer’s lecturing should be regularly evaluat
A. there are great differences among the lecturers as to their quality of teaching
B. quite a lot of teachers can produce the results students desire
C. they must be inspired to learn
D. it is too dull to attend lectures
Passage One

Anyone who doubts that global financial markets control national economies need only look at the crisis facing the "tigers" of the Far East. Last year, the value of their currencies dropped rapidly, after investors decided that their economic policies were not strong enough; now the region is suffering slower growth, lower living standards and rising unemployment.
The situation in Asia shows how power has shifted from individual governments to the markets. In theory, governments are free to set their own economic policies; in practice, they must conform to a global economic model or risk being penalized by the markets.
Adjusting to this new "economic order" is proving difficult. In the developed world, and in particular the European Union, globalization is facing widespread public resistance. Critics complain that, without the protection of trade barriers, jobs are being lost to
A. doubt that global financial markets will control national economies
B. fail to follow a global economic model adequately
C. have set their own free economic policies
D. have their power interfere with the markets

[单项选择]Passage 3 Those who welcomed the railway saw it as more than a rapid and comfortable means of passing. They actually saw it as afactor in world peace. They did not foresee that the railway would be just one more means for the rapid movement of aggressive armies. None of them foresaw that the more weare together-the more chances there are of war. Any boy or girl who is one of a large family knows that. Whenever any new invention is put forward, those for it and those against it can always find medical men to approve or condemn. The anti-railway group produced doctors who said that tunnels would be most dangerous to public health: they would produce colds, catarrhs (粘膜炎) and consumptions. The deafening noise and the glare of the engine fire, would have a bad effect on the nerves. Further, being moved through the air at a high speed would do grave injury to delicate lungs. In those with high blood-pressure, the movement of the train might produce apoplexy (中风). The sudd
A. Practical
B. Satirical
C. Humorous
D. Exaggerated


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