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发布时间:2024-01-07 19:36:49

[简答题]The author implies that increased accuracy in weather forecasting will lead to______.

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[填空题]S3. The author implies that increased accuracy in weather forecasting will lead to S3 .

[单项选择]The author implies that scientists who regard the notion of a final state of truth without skepticism are Ⅰ. More arrogant or unimaginative than scientists who see science as a perpetual process Ⅱ. Visionaries who, though not necessarily correct, maintain an optimistic view of the future Ⅲ. A very significant majority of the scientific community
A. (A) Ⅰ only
B. (B) Ⅱ only
C. (C) Ⅰ and Ⅲ only
D. (D) Ⅱ and Ⅲ only
E. (E) Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ
[单项选择]The author implies that most small children believe that the quantity of water changes when it is transferred to a container of a different ______. a. color b. quality c. weight d. shape
[单项选择]The author implies that late-eighteenth-century opera differs from contemporary film music in that late-eighteenth-century opera
A. relied more heavily on gender codes in fashion at the time of its composition than does contemporary film music
B. contain gender affects incipiently, whereas contemporary film music contains them in a more salient form
C. evidences a deeper "practical consciousness" of how musical expression works than contemporary film music does
D. tends neither to enact nor resist the gender constructions which have traditionally applied to the sonata form
E. provides a more critically accessible framework for mapping gender codes than contemporary film music does
[单项选择]The author implies that an advantage of McClary’s form of musical criticism over that favored by the author is that it
A. tends to deny that some kind of contrast between masculinity and femininity will inevitably exist in any music
B. employs social values to account for the aesthetic choices involved a piece’s composition more efficiently than the theory advocated by the author
C. re-inscribes models of gender difference for the most part identical to those it seeks to critique
D. pays closer attention to avant-garde music that may form the model for non- gendered musical forms
E. carries assumptions that for the basis of a more politically responsible strategy for criticizing the gendering of music
[单项选择]The author implies that the work of Picasso and Braque shifted over the course of their years in that it later came to
A. render unseen objects in a visible manner, thus permitting access to the subconscious of the visual brain
B. portray a variety of visual perspectives simultaneously, displaying many sides of an object
C. abandon and forswear the use of all techniques of lighting and distance in their artwork
D. consciously apply the law of abstraction to their paintings to illustrate an understanding of the visual brain
E. critique the brain’s ability to mimic by demonstrating the limits of visual representation
[单项选择]Why do people in England often talk about the weather [A] Because they may have four seasons in one day. [B] Because they often have very good weather. [C] Because the weather is warm just like in spring.
[简答题]The man weat on, in a rather more kindly way, to warn us against the dangers of smoking. (passage 1)
[单项选择]The efficient market hypothesis implies that fundamental analysis:()
A. is inferior to technical analysis because fundamental analysis is not timely. 
B. requires the analysis to predict movements in relevant variables that affect rates of return. 
C. will be successful if transaction costs are minimized by focusing on a limited number of large-capitalization stock
[单项选择]What does President Bush implies without stating out in his talk
A. The Americans are likely to make minor investments.
B. The Americans are not likely to make major investments.
C. The Americans don’t feel secure about the long-term economic performance.
D. The Americans feel secure about the long-term economic performance.
[单项选择]The passage implies that the basic difference between retributive justice and corrective justice is the______.
A) type of crime that was proven C) reason for the sentence
B) severity for the punishment D) outcome of the trial

A. The passage implies that the basic difference between retributive justice and corrective justice is the______.
B. type of crime that was proven
C. severity for the punishment
D. reason for the sentence
E. outcome of the trial
[填空题]"Should" implies a permanent characteristic of something or someone.
[单项选择]Health implies more than physical fitness. It also implies mental and emotional well-being. An angry, frustrated, emotionally (1) person in good physical condition is not (2) healthy. Mental health, therefore, has much to do (3) how a person copes with the world as she/he exists. Many of the factors that (4) physical health also affect mental and emotional well-being.
Having a good self-image means that people have positive (5) pictures and good, positive feelings about themselves, about what they are (6) of doing, and about the roles they play. People with good self-images like themselves, and they are better able to like others. Having a good self-image is based on a realistic (7) of one’s own worth and (8) and capabilities.
Stress is an unavoidable, necessary, and potentially healthful (9) of our society. People of all ages encounter stress. Children begin to (10) <
A. why
B. when
C. while
D. where


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