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发布时间:2024-07-31 06:08:34


(11)Jane is happy and excited. She is going to be married tomorrow and it is one of the greatest times of her life. She and her families have already made good preparation for the wedding. (12)She has had her beautiful wedding dress designed and made by a leading fashion shop. (13) Her father has painted his whole house. He has had the lawn cut in his garden and he has got his gardener to tidy the whole garden.
Jane’s mother is having the expensive wedding breakfast prepared by the Grand Hotel, (14) but she has baked the wedding cake at home. After the wedding she will cut it into small pieces and pack them into little boxes. Then (15) she will send these boxes to friends of the family who cannot come to the ceremony.

Where has Jane’s wedding dress been made
By a()shop.

更多"[听力原文]11-15 (11)Jane is happy and"的相关试题:


(11)Jane is happy and excited. She is going to be married tomorrow and it is one of the greatest times of her life. She and her families have already made good preparation for the wedding. (12)She has had her beautiful wedding dress designed and made by a leading fashion shop. (13) Her father has painted his whole house. He has had the lawn cut in his garden and he has got his gardener to tidy the whole garden.
Jane’s mother is having the expensive wedding breakfast prepared by the Grand Hotel, (14) but she has baked the wedding cake at home. After the wedding she will cut it into small pieces and pack them into little boxes. Then (15) she will send these boxes to friends of the family who cannot come to the ceremony.

Why is Jane so happy
Because she will()tomorrow.

[听力原文] 11-15
(11)Jane is happy and excited. She is going to be married tomorrow and it is one of the greatest times of her life. She and her families have already made good preparation for the wedding. (12)She has had her beautiful wedding dress designed and made by a leading fashion shop. (13)Her father has painted his whole house. He has had the lawn cut in his garden and he has got his gardener to tidy the whole garden.
Jane’s mother is having the expensive wedding breakfast prepared by the Grand Hotel, (14)but she has baked the wedding cake at home. After the wedding she will cut it into small pieces and pack them into little boxes. Then (15)she will send these boxes to friends of the family who cannot come to the ceremony.

Why is Jane so happy
Because she will()tomorrow.

W: I wasn’t sure what she really thought of my suggestion just from our phone conversation.
M: Yes, it would be better to talk about it face to face.

What does the man mean()
A. It is advisable not to speak to her.
B. It is better to speak to her in person.
C. The phone is apparently out of order.
D. The woman’s suggestion is not worthy speaking about.

W: Can I speak to Jane
M: Sorry, she’s out. Would you like to leave a message

What do we know from the conversation()
A. Jane wants to speak to somebody.
B. Jane will leave a message.
C. Somebody wants to see Jane.
D. Jane cannot answer the call right now.
[填空题]Why is Jane so happy
Because she will ______ tomorrow.

Why is Jane so happy Because she will ____________ tomorrow.

W: Susan has canceled the party she planned to give on Saturday.
M: She did Well, I’m glad to know that personally. I’m up to my ears in work right now.

What does the man mean ()
A. He has a lot of work to do.
B. He has problem with hearing.
C. He is very surprised to hear the news.
D. He has to go to a doctor on Saturday.

W: I feel pain here whenever I drink something cold. It’s a sharp pain like someone is sticking a needle in my tooth.
M: Take this prescription to the medicine store for the medication. After taking it, go to bed right away. There’s nothing better for you than plenty of water and sleep.
Q: What is the first thing the woman is going to do ()

A. Go to the pharmacy.
B. Take some medicine.
C. Go to bed for sleep.
D. Drink plenty cold water.

M: I first read Ulysses when I was eighteen, but I didn’t understand much of it.
W: No wonder. It is one of the most complex novels in the English language.
O: Why isn’t the woman surprised at the man’s statement()

A. Because he doesn’t have a good knowledge of English.
B. Because the novel is too difficult to understand.
C. Because he is so young.
D. Because she didn’t understand it either.

W: Louise speaks English as if she were an American.
M: Her family lived in the United States until Louise was 12 years old. She has never forgotten her English.

Why can Louise speak English well()
A. Her family speaks English.
B. She spent her early years in America.
C. She has a good memory and won’t forget her English.
D. She is an American nativ


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