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发布时间:2024-01-23 22:53:08


W: Louise speaks English as if she were an American.
M: Her family lived in the United States until Louise was 12 Years old. She has never forgotten her English.

Why can Louise speak English well()
A. Her family speaks English.
B. She spent her early years in America.
C. She has a good memory and won’t forget her English.
D. She is an American nativ

更多"[听力原文] W: Louise speaks English a"的相关试题:


W: Louise speaks English as if she were an American.
M: Her family lived in the United States until Louise was 12 years old. She has never forgotten her English.

Why can Louise speak English well()
A. Her family speaks English.
B. She spent her early years in America.
C. She has a good memory and won’t forget her English.
D. She is an American nativ

W: Susan has canceled the party she planned to give on Saturday.
M: She did Well, I’m glad to know that personally. I’m up to my ears in work right now.

What does the man mean ()
A. He has a lot of work to do.
B. He has problem with hearing.
C. He is very surprised to hear the news.
D. He has to go to a doctor on Saturday.

W: You were absent from class yesterday, Brown.
M: I’m terribly sorry I couldn’t come. I had a toothache.

What’s the relationship between the two speakers ()
A. 25 dollars.
B. 30dollars.
C. 60dollars.
D. 50 dollars.

W: Were these books ordered by John or Sue
M: Bill ordered them.

Who were the books ordered by()
A. John.
B. Bill.
C. The man.

W: You were absent from work yesterday, Brown.
M: I’ m terribly sorry I couldn’ t come. I had a head ache.

What’ s the relationship between the two speakers ()
A. Doctor and patient.
B. Passenger and ticket collector.
C. Shop assistant and customer.
D. Boss and clerk.

Mr. Jones: What materials were used for road surfaces during the last century
Engineer: Usually they were gravel and macadam. Tars and asphalt were originally used only as coverings, but later they were used as binders and finally as hot mixtures.
Mr. Jones: Concrete is a modem material as far as road - building goes, isn’ t it
Engineer: Relatively speaking. But you might be surprised to know that a concrete road was built as early as 1893 in Ohio. But it was only 5 miles long. More extensive projects were not undertaken until much later, around 1912 or 1913.
Mr. Jones: This was because of the increase in traffic
Engineer: That’ s right. Especially in the use of heavy tracks. More rigid pavements, such as concrete and brick, became a necessity. For light traffic, though, water-bound macadam, gravel, sand clay, and bituminous mixtures were still used.
Mr. Jones: What are turnpikes usually made of
A. Gravel.
B. Asphalt.
C. Macadam.
D. Concrete.


M: I saw the movie you were talking about. It was a waste of time.
W: Really I liked it very much. I think it’s one of the best movies of the year.

Did the two speakers like the movie.()
A. The woman liked the movie ,but the man didn’t.
B. The man liked the movie, but the woman didn’t.
C. Both the man and the woman liked the movie.
D. Neither of them liked the movie.

W: Sarah is an American, but she has lived in Europe for most her life.
M: Yes. She speaks French and Spanish as well as English.

What is Sarah’s nationality ()
A. French.
B. American.
C. Spanish.
D. Britis

Miss Green was very fat. She weighed 100 kilos, and she was getting heavier every month, so she went to see her doctor.
The doctor gave her a small boob and said, "Read this carefully and eat the things listed on page 11 every day. Then come back and see me in two weeks’ time."
Miss Green came again two weeks later, but she wasn’t thinner, she was fatter. The doctor was surprised and said, "Are you eating the things listed on page 11 of that book"
"Yes, doctor." She answered.
The next day the doctor visited Miss Green during her dinner. She was very surprised to see him.
"Miss Green," he said, "Why are you eating-- potatoes and bread They aren’ t in your diet."
"But, doctor," Miss Green answered, "I ate my diet at lunch time. This is my dinner."

Why was the doctor surprised when he saw Miss Green again Why was the doctor


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