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发布时间:2024-07-24 19:54:45

[单项选择]The famous line "My love is a red, red rose", stirs up vividly the imagination of a beautiful lady. This is the ______meaning of "rose".
A. denotative
B. connotative
C. iconic
D. dictionary

更多"The famous line 'My love is a red, "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The famous poem A Red, Red Rose was written by ______.
A. Wordsworth
B. Byron
C. Burns
D. Keats
[单项选择]I was just going to cut my rose bushes, but someone()it. Was it you
A. has done
B. had done
C. would do
D. will do
A. 有效控制脂肪的信号
B. 采用短的TI
C. 第一个脉冲为180°脉冲
D. 减少运动伪影、化学位移伪影
E. 增加增强扫描的效果

Man: I love my computer.
Woman: Computers are so cool.
Man: I love to go online.
Woman: (5)
Man: You can not only get the information you want, but also travel all over the world.
Woman: I know. (6)
Man: Yes. I went to Canada yesterday.
Woman: What did you do
Man: I stood on the Rocky Mountain and looked all around.
Woman: What was it like (7)
Man: Yes, I felt like I was actually there,

5( ).
A. Have you traveled online
B. Was it like the real thing
C. The Internet is amazing.
D. But surfing online takes a lot of time.

W: I think I’ll wear my red dress to the party tonight.
M: Can’t you wear your blue one I like it much better.

How does the man feel about the woman’s red dress()
A. He hates it very much.
B. He likes it better than blue dress.
C. He doesn’t like it as well as the blue one.

M: Where did you put my new red tie
W: It’s right there in the cupboard with your other ties.
M: There’s a green one and a couple of brown ones, but no red one.
W: Here it is in your drawer. You must have put it there when you brought it home.
M: I suppose so. We’d better hurry up or we’re going to be late. The Smiths said to come at 7:00.
W: Oh, it’ s 6:24 now. Sue isn’ t here to take care of the children yet.
M: She shall be here at 6:40. That still gives us time to get there.
W: Who else is coming tonight
M: The Browns and the Franks. And Mrs. Johnson’s sister will be there too.
W: Well. I think we’d better go down. Sue should be here pretty soon.

How many ties does the man have at least( ).
A. 3.
B. 4.
C. 5.


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