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发布时间:2023-10-28 21:01:19

[单项选择]{{I}} Questions 8 to i0 are based on the following news from the VOA. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each question. Now listen to the news.{{/I}}The popular MP3 technology ______.
A. allows fans to copy songs once or twice
B. allows consumers to burn the song to a CD three limes
C. allows consumers to send the song to a portable device twice
D. is a compression format that turns music on compact discs into small computer files

更多"{{I}} Questions 8 to i0 are base"的相关试题:

[单项选择]{{I}} Questions 8 to i0 are based on the following news from the VOA. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each question. Now listen to the news.{{/I}}EMI is______.
A. the world’s first major music company
B. the world’s third largest record company
C. the world’s largest on-line music provider
D. the world’s largest software company
[单项选择]{{I}}Questions 8 to i0 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation; you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. NOW listen to the conversation.{{/I}}How did the woman learn about the process she describes
A. She was doing research for a paper on it.
B. She read a newspaper article about it.
C. She was told about it by her roommate.
D. She heard about it in class.
Questions 9 and I0 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the two questions.
Now listen to the news.
The year 2007 will be named as
A. the Year of Russia in China.
B. the Year of Trade in China.
C. the Year of Trade in Russia.
D. the Year of China in Russia.
[单项选择] Questions 9 and I0 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the two questions.
Now listen to the news.
The year 2007 will be named as
A. the Year of Russia in China.
B. the Year of Trade in China.
C. the Year of Trade in Russia.
D. the Year of China in Russia.

Passage 2
Questions 8 to I0 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Tom was going into his usual bar before lunch when he saw a poorly dressed man fishing in a small pool of rain-water about five centimeters deep outside it.
Tom stopped and watched the man for a few minutes. He saw that most of the people who passed by him believed he must be rather mad.
Tom pitied the man, so after a few minutes he went up to him and said kindly, "Hello, would you like to come into the bar and have a drink with me" The fisherman was delighted to accept his offer, and the two men went into the bar together. Tom bought the fisherman a few drinks, and finally said to him, "you’ve been fishing outside here, haven’t you How many did you manage to catch this morning, if I may ask"
"You are the eighth," the fisherman answered happily.

What was the poorly dressed man doing when T
A. Smoking.
B. Flying.
C. Drinking.
D. Fishing.
[单项选择]{{I}} Questions 8 and 9 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each question. Now listen to the news. {{/I}}Israel’s Attorney General has decided ______.
A. not to charge Sharon with corruption
B. to indict Sharon for corruption
C. to charge Sharon with the failure of the Greek Island Affair
D. not to indict Sharon for the failure of the Greek Island Affair
[单项选择]{{I}} Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.{{/I}}Which of the following statements is NOT true
A. A dog needs to be small to be fond of joke.
B. It is better to let a dog know that he is funny.
C. Some dogs have a sense of humor while others haven’t.
D. The merits of dogs outweigh their faults.
[单项选择]{{I}} Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.{{/I}}What is the percentage of college graduates getting jobs through university Careers Service
A. 30-40%.
B. 20-30%.
C. 40-50%.
D. 20-40%.


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