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发布时间:2023-11-20 00:17:07

[单项选择]According to the findings by the American researchers, what is of help in relieving patients’ pain and worry
A. Brain.
B. Skin.
C. Medicine.
D. A sharp needle.

更多"According to the findings by the Am"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage Three The American research university is a remarkable institution, long a source of admiration and wonder. The idyllic ( 田园诗的 ), wooded campuses, the diversity and energy of the student populations, and, most of all, the sheer volume of public and private resources available to nm them, have made them the envy of the world. Seen from the inside, however, everything is not quite so rosy. Setting aside the habitual complexity of medical schools, which have separate healthcare and finance issues, the structure of these institutions is straightforward and consistent. The bedrock of each university is a system of discipline-specific departments. The strength of these departments determines the success and prestige of the institution as a whole. This structure raises a few obvious questions. One is the relevance of the department-based structure to the way scientific research is done. Many argue that in a host of areas -- ranging from computational biology and mater
A. in a unique way
B. in a jealous tone
C. in the eyes of outsiders
D. out of personal admiration
[单项选择]Passage Two
According to new research of Prof. Randolf Menzel from the Free University in Berlin, the popular image of bees as the ultimate hard workers was inaccurate. "Although we see bees buzzing around tirelessly in spring and summer, the common belief in a bee’s busy nature is based on a misconception," he said. People only really see bees when they’re out flying, or they look at a colony of bees and see thousands of them buzzing around. They don’t get to pick them out as individuals. The professor, who this month won a German Zoological Society award for his work on bees, added that bees compensated for their apparent laziness with high intelligence, advanced memory skills and an ability to learn quickly.
The suggestion that bees were not pulling their weight met with skepticism from British beekeepers. Glyn Davies, the President of t
A. challenges our knowledge of the relations among bees
B. confirms our knowledge of the relations among bees
C. challenges our perception of the nature of bees
D. confirms our perception of the nature of bees
[单项选择]According to new research released this week from Miller-Williams, e-commerce customers feel that over 80 percent of their decision to purchase or not reside in issues beyond their online experience. What’s really important to customers is brand performance.
The research was based on interviews with 976 active customers of various top performing e-commerce companies (excluding travel) including Amazon, com, AOL-Time Warner, BN.com, eBay, Monster.com and Yahoo. Current, former and potential customers were asked to describe their ideal e-commerce company vis- avis a subset of the top e-commerce companies.
Of the five attributes customers use to evaluate e-commerce companies, the Clicks Interaction driver makes up only 15 percent of decision-making. The Clicks driver incorporates all aspects of the customer’s online experience, including pricing, customer support, the quality of offerings, and mistake rectification. Brand Performance topped the list (35 percent), followed by Fin
A. their own online experience
B. brand performance
C. their decision to purchase
D. percentage of the issues
[单项选择]According to new research of Prof. Randolf Menzel from the Free University in Berlin, the popular image of bees as the ultimate hard workers was inaccurate. "Although we see bees buzzing around tirelessly in spring and summer, the common belief in a bee’s busy nature is based on a misconception," he said. People only really see bees when they’re out flying, or they look at a colony of bees and see thousands of them buzzing around. They don’t get to pick them out as individuals. The professor, who this month won a German Zoological Society award for his work on bees, added that bees compensated for their apparent laziness with high intelligence, advanced memory skills and an ability to learn quickly.
The suggestion that bees were not pulling their weight met with skepticism from British beekeepers. Glyn Davies, the President of the British Beekeepers Association, said that bees were not lazy but efficient. "At any particular stage in its life, a bee has a specific job to do. If the
A. are easily affected by their national characters
B. are extremely busy and hard working
C. share many things in common with bees
D. tend to look down upon lazy people


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