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发布时间:2024-08-30 02:45:24

{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

When I appeared before you on a previous occasion, I had seen nothing of American art save the Doric columns and Corinthian chimney-pots visible on your Broadway and Fifth Avenue. I find that what your people need is not so much high imaginative art but that which hallows the vessels of everyday use.
I suppose that the poet will sing and the artist will paint regardless whether the world praises or blames. He has his own world and is independent of his fellow-men. But the handicraftsman is dependent on your pleasure and opinion. He needs your encouragement and he must have beautiful surroundings. Your people love art but do not sufficiently honor the handicraftsman. I find one great trouble all over is that your workmen are not given to noble designs. You cannot be indifferent to this, because art is n
A. public lecture
B. public statement
C. magazine article
D. newspaper report

更多"{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}} When "的相关试题:

{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

When I appeared before you on a previous occasion, I had seen nothing of American art save the Doric columns and Corinthian chimney-pots visible on your Broadway and Fifth Avenue. I find that what your people need is not so much high imaginative art but that which hallows the vessels of everyday use.
I suppose that the poet will sing and the artist will paint regardless whether the world praises or blames. He has his own world and is independent of his fellow-men. But the handicraftsman is dependent on your pleasure and opinion. He needs your encouragement and he must have beautiful surroundings. Your people love art but do not sufficiently honor the handicraftsman. I find one great trouble all over is that your workmen are not given to noble designs. You cannot be indifferent to this, because art is n
A. the former is more beautiful than the latter
B. the latter is more independent than the former
C. the latter is more honored than the former
D. the former is more imaginative than the latter

When two hands meet, we pass on something of ourselves. After (1) to Mark Twain, Helen—who was both deaf and blind—commented, "I can feel the twinkle of his eye (2) his handshake." In some indefinable way, Twain had (3) his charm to Keller.
And that’s probably been true of the handshake all the (4) back to its earliest days, — (5) no one can tell its actual(6) . A common explanation is that (7) early man encountered a stranger, he (8) out his hand to show he had no weapon. From this, supposedly, (9) the handshake.
Not so, says historian Brian Burke. He believes, the handshake (10) "putting your blood behind your breath." He explains that ancient people (11) the spoken word alone, and they used the handclasp to signify that their (12) was backed up by the (13) of their heart—i, e. , their blood. (14) , the handshake suggested trust.
That (15) of trust has survived to this day. People in business
A. and
B. even
C. so
D. though


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