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发布时间:2023-11-17 19:52:26

{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}}

The Department of Homeland Security has filled the nation’s top cyber-security post after the previous chief abruptly resigned last week in a move that raised questions about the Bush administration’s commitment to protecting U. S. computer networks from electronic threats. Andy Purdy, who served as deputy cyber-security director under former National Cyber Security Division head and security industry entrepreneur Amit Yoran, will act as interim director, according to an email written by Robert P. Liscouski, the department’s head of infrastructure protection.
Purdy has been a member of the cyber-security division since it was set up in 2003, and was the vice chairman and senior adviser on information technology issues for the President’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Board. Purdy declined an interview request. Homeland Security spokeswoman Michelle Petrovich said that "Cyber- security will continue to
A. the Cyber Security Industry Alliance
B. the Department of Homeland Security
C. the Information Technology Association
D. the Critical Infrastructure Protection Board

更多"{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}} The Department "的相关试题:

{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}}

The Department of Homeland Security has filled the nation’s top cyber-security post after the previous chief abruptly resigned last week in a move that raised questions about the Bush administration’s commitment to protecting U. S. computer networks from electronic threats. Andy Purdy, who served as deputy cyber-security director under former National Cyber Security Division head and security industry entrepreneur Amit Yoran, will act as interim director, according to an email written by Robert P. Liscouski, the department’s head of infrastructure protection.
Purdy has been a member of the cyber-security division since it was set up in 2003, and was the vice chairman and senior adviser on information technology issues for the President’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Board. Purdy declined an interview request. Homeland Security spokeswoman Michelle Petrovich said that "Cyber- security will continue to
A. Tom Ridge
B. Michelle Petrovich
C. Paul Kurtz
D. Robert Liscouski
[单项选择]{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}
Roger Rosenblatt’s book Black Fiction, in attempting to apply literary rather than sociopolitical criteria to its subject, successfully alters the approach taken by most previous studies. As Rosenblatt notes, criticism of Black writing has often served as a pretext for illustrating Black history. Addison Gayle’s recent work, for instance, judges the value of Black fiction by overtly political standards, rating each work according to the notions of Black identity that it propounds.
Although fiction assuredly springs from political circumstances, its authors react to those circumstances in ways other than ideological, and talking about novels and stories primarily as instruments of ideology avoids cleverly much of the fictional enterprise. Rosenblatt’s literary analysis discloses ties and connections among works of Black fictio
A. emphasizes purely literary aspect of such fiction
B. misinterprets the ideological content of such fiction
C. misunderstands the notions of Black identity contained in such fiction
D. substitutes political for literary criteria in evaluating such fiction
{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}}

In the 1960s scientists begin to recognize that environmental contaminants could not only affect the health and survival of individual animals but also alter the prospects for their off-spring and thereby potentially change the genetic makeup of entire populations.
Researchers were first altered to problems in wildlife in the 40s after the populations of eagles, falcons, and the other fish-eating birds in Britain plummeted. In nest after nest the birds’ eggshells were so thin that they cracked under the weight of the adults during incubation. In the 1960s David Peakall and other wildlife toxicologists demonstrated that the accumulation of very high levels of such pesticides as DDT in the birds’ tissues had seriously impaired their productive capabilities. Some of these declines resulted in the complete disappearance of populations from large portions of their former range. In North America, for example, the e
A. prove that contaminants are harmful to health
B. show that contaminants could affect the future generations
C. describe some experiments made by toxicologists
D. urge that pesticides should be abandoned
{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}}

In response to today’s World Trade Organization (WTO) Appellate Body decision declaring the Bush Administration’s Section 201 steel tariffs contrary to WTO obligations, Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition Steel Task Force (CITAC STF) Chairman William E. Gaskin urged President Bush to terminate the steel tariffs immediately.
Gaskin stated, "In addition to the continuing damage and job losses that the tariffs are causing U.S. steel consumers, the U.S. now faces billions of dollars in retaliatory tariffs by our trading partners. For the sake of the U.S. manufacturing sector, it’s time to end the tariffs now. Manufacturers need some positive news and a quick end to the steel tariffs will help send a message that the President supports American manufacturers and understands the requirement that they be globally competitive."
The WTO Appellate Body ruling today that the U. S. steel tariffs violate t
A. It aims to create more job chances for American steel workers.
B. It requires high tariffs of steel imported to America.
C. It aims to raise the tariffs of exported American steel.
D. It requires the American steel industry to pay more tax.
[简答题]Text B Der Kampf um den Südpol Im Sommer 1910 brachen fast gleichzeitig der Engl nder Robert Scott und der Norweger Roald Amundsen zu einer Expedition auf, die schon bald zu einem Wettlauf der beiden Rivalen werden sollte. Jeder wollte als erster Mensch den Südpol erreichen. Für Scott brachte die Expedition den Tod, für Amundsen den Triumph. Die beiden Forscher waren sehr unterschiedlich auf die Gefahren und Strapazen einer solchen Reise vorbereitet. Scott geh rte zum Typ eines Weltreisenden, den man "Gentleman-Eroberer" nennen k nnte. Expeditionen betrachtete er als sportliches Freizeitvergnügen. Dilettantismus und fehlende Erfahrung waren für ihn keine Schande, sondern Prüfstein für Erfindungsreichtum und Improvisationstalent. Insofern war Scott ein Abenteurer. Zur Vorbereitung hatte er nur eine Probeexpedition unternommen, die schlecht geplant war und deshalb ein Misserfolg wurde. Scott zog aber keine Konsequenzen aus dieser Erfahrung. Amundsen hingegen ging sehr gründlich
A. A.Weil die Ponys gestorben waren.
B.Weil sie zu müde waren.
C.wegen eines schweren Schneesturms


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