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发布时间:2023-10-17 02:55:34

[单项选择]Which of the following best completes the passage below People buy prestige when they buy a premium product. They want to be associated with something special. Mass-marketing techniques and price-reduction strategies should not be used because ().
A. affluent purchasers currently represent a shrinking portion of the population of all purchasers
B. continued sales depend directly on the maintenance of an aura of exclusivity
C. purchasers of premium products are concerned with the quality as well as with the price of the products
D. expansion of the market niche to include a broader spectrum of consumers will increase profits
E. manufacturing a premium brand is not necessarily more costly than manufacturing a standard brand of the same product

更多"Which of the following best complet"的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to the following passage, which of the following statements is true of international comparisons of overall fat intake
A. They provide a reasonable indicator of the health benefits of polyunsaturated fats.
B. They tend to conflate too many factors to provide an effective argument against reducing overall fat intake.
C. They are rife with subtleties too complex for most nutritionists to be able to understand properly.
D. They correctly tend to indicate the necessity for reducing overall fat intake reduction in affluent societies.
E. They tend to lend too much attention to non-dietary causes of coronary heart disease.
· Read the following passage, which is an advert for a new orange juice maker.
· Are the sentences 16- 22 "Right" or "Wrong" If there isn’t enough information to answer "Right" or "Wrong.", choose "Doesn’t say".
· For each sentence, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.
Good news has finally arrived for all those people out there conscious of their health, and with a firm belief that their body is a temple. Scientific advancement in the field of juice makers has finally reached its height with the new Juice-Juju.
The Juice-Juju is different from other orange juice makers as it uses every part of the orange itself. Yes, that’s right -- even the peel, creating a delicious and healthy drink which can be enjoyed either as part of a physical exercise plan
[单项选择]The passage best supports which of the following statements

A. A minority entrepreneur who had no assistance from family members would not be able to start a business.
B. Self-help networks have been effective in helping entrepreneurs primarily in the last 50 years.
C. Minority groups have developed a range of alternatives to standard financing of business ventures.
D. The financial institutions founded by various ethnic groups owe their success to their unique formal organization.
[单项选择]Which of the following best describes the passage
A. It discusses an apparent inconsistency in theoretical discourse and suggests a reason for it.
B. It outlines a sequence of theoretical shifts in psychology.
C. It shows why a formerly held view is inaccurate.
D. It evaluates an explanation of a psychological phenomenon and finally rejects that explanation.
E. It places into context the discursive origins of a theory and elaborates upon it.
[单项选择]Which of the following, if true, best completes the argument below
Comparisons of the average standards of living of the citizens of two countries should reflect the citizens’ comparative access to goods and services. Reliable figures in a country’s own currency for the average income of its citizens are easily obtained. But it is difficult to get an accurate comparison of average standards of living from these figures, because ().
A. there are usually no figures comparing how much of two different currencies must be spent in order to purchase a given quantity of goods and services
B. wage levels for the same job vary greatly from country to country, depending on cultural as well as on purely economic factors
C. these figures must be calculated by dividing the gross national product of a country by the size of its population
D. comparative access to goods and services is only one of several factors relevant in determining quality of life
E. the wealth, and hence the standard of living, of a country’s citizens is very closely related to their income
Part A
Directions : Read the following four passages. Answer the questions blow each passage by choosing A, B, C and D.
Text 1
Working at nonstandard times--evenings, nights, or weekends—is taking its toll on American families. One-fifth of all employed Americans work variable or rotating shifts, and one- third work weekends, according to Harriet B.Presser, sociology professor at the University of Maryland. The result is stress on familial relationships, which is likely to continue in coming decades.
The consequences of working irregular hours vary according to gender, economic level, and whether or not children are involved. Single mothers are more likely to work nights and weekends than married mothers. Women in clerical, sales, or other low-paying jobs participate disproportionately in working late and graveya
A. Children.
B. Parents.
C. Employees.
D. Professional child providers.


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