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发布时间:2023-10-23 10:23:51

[单项选择]Two suits of battle armor worn by King Henry VIII were discovered, one from the beginning of his reign in 1510 and the other from 1540. Although both suits of armor were made for Henry VIII, the 1540 suit of armor was 40 pounds heavier than the 1510 suit of armor.
Which of the following, if true, contributes LEAST to an explanation of the discrepancy described above ?()
A. Henry, although slim at the beginning of his reign, developed a bulky figure because of massive weight gain.
B. During his reign Henry increased his arsenal of weapons because, despite his popularity in 1510, by 1540 the English populace was becoming disenchanted with his rule.
C. Although the style of armor was plain and severe in the beginning of Henry’s reign, he started the fashion of decorating armor with heavy and elaborate metal pieces because of his love for ornamentation.
D. Henry ascended the throne while still an adolescent and grew three inches during his first five years as king.
E. Because of the improved design of battle weaponry during the 1530’s, armor was given a multilayered design so that the sharper and stronger weapons could not pierce it.

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[单项选择]In place of the king, two chief executives were chosen annually by the whole body of citizens. These were known as praetors, or leaders, but later received the title of consuls. The participation of a colleague in the exercise of supreme power and the limitation of the tenure to one year prevented the chief magistrate from becoming autocratic. The character of the Senate was altered by the enrollment of plebeian members, known as conscripti, and hence the official designation of the senators thereafter was patres conscripti (conscript fathers). As yet, only patricians were eligible for the magistracies, and the discontent of the plebs led to a violent struggle between the two orders and the gradual removal of the social and political disabilities under which the plebs had labored.
In 494 BC a secession of plebeian soldiers led to the institution of the tribuni plebis, who were elected annually as protectors of the plebs; they had the power to veto the acts of patrician magistrat
A. It was difficult for the chief magistrate to become a dictator
B. Any Roman had the chance to become the magistrate
C. The plebs couldn’t hold the post of magistrate
D. Magistrate’s power was limited
{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}}

In place of the king, two chief executives were chosen annually by the whole body of citizens. These were known as praetors, or leaders, but later received the title of consuls. The participation of a colleague in the exercise of supreme power and the limitation of the tenure to one year prevented the chief magistrate from becoming autocratic. The character of the Senate was altered by the enrollment of plebeian members, known as conscripti, and hence the official designation of the senators thereafter was patres conscripti (conscript fathers). As yet, only patricians were eligible for the magistracies, and the discontent of the plebs led to a violent struggle between the two orders and the gradual removal of the social and political disabilities under which the plebs had labored.
In 494 BC a secession of plebeian soldiers led to the institution of the tribuni plebis, who were elected annually as protec
A. It was difficult for the chief magistrate to become a dictator
B. Any Roman had the chance to become the magistrate
C. The plebs couldn’t hold the post of magistrate
D. Magistrate’s power was limited
[单项选择]What do the two speakers think about O Henry’s and Jack London’s novels [A] O Henry’ novels are better than Jack London’s. [B] Jack London’s novels are better than O Henry’s. [C] Novels of the two writers are both attractive.
[填空题]Henry Sharp


Where is Henry
A. On a business trip.
B. In the office.
C. In another office.
[简答题]VIII.(ForensicAppraisal) Traditionalforensicevidencehaslongplayedaroleincriminaljustice.Butcurrentlypoisedonthehorizonisanewgenerationofforensicsciencescapableofinvestigatingandinculpatingsuspectsonanorderofpowerfargreaterthanthataffordedbytraditionalforensictechniques.Thisarrayofexcitingnewmethods--suchasDNAtyping,datamining,biometrictechnologies,andforensicMRIimaging,representamarkedadvanceovertherudimentarytechniquesofold,andwillsurelystakeacentralandindispensableroleinthefutureadministrationofcriminaljustice. Yettheexperienceoftraditionalforensicsciencesinthecriminaljusticesystemcautionagainstrushingtooquicklytoembracethesenewtechniques.Inrecentyears,thelegitimacyofevidentiarystalwartslikehandwriting,voiceexemplars,hairandfiber,biteandtoolmarks,andevenfingerprintshasbeenseriouslycalledintoquestion.Exonerationstudieshavedemonstratedtheshockingdegreetowhichthecriminaljusticesystemhashistoricallyfailedtopreventspurioussciencesandfaultyorfraudulentevidencefromservingtoconvi
A. A.the legitimacy of the old evidentiary stalwarts has been seriously called into question.
B.the criminal justice system has historically failed to prevent spurious sciences and faulty or fraudulent evidence from serving to convict innocent defendants.
C.experience of traditional forensic sciences in the criminal justice system caution against rushing too quickly to embrace these new techniques.
D.the old technologies do not work any more.


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