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发布时间:2024-07-28 06:42:09


M: Hi, you’re new here, aren’t you What’s your name
W: Stella.
M: Want to come and play
W: I’d like to. but I can’t. My Mum says I’ve got to stay and help her. It’s my brother’s birthday and we’re having a party, too.
M: Oh, you’ve got a brother, haven’t you
W: I’ve got two brothers. Kit, the one with the birthday, he’s only four. I’ve got a big brother who’s married, his name’s Don.
M: Does your brother Don live near here
W: Yes, not very far away. Cathy, my sister-in-law, works in the sweetshop over there. They’ve got a new baby called Liz. I mean Elizabeth really, but we call her Liz.
M: Is that your Mum over there calling you
W: No, that’s my Aunt May, my Mum’s twin sister. I’d better go. Bye.
M: Bye.

Who is the woman calling Stella ( )
A. Her mother.
B. Her sister-in-low.
C. Her aunt.

更多"M: Hi, you’re new here, aren&"的相关试题:


M: Hi, you’re new here, aren’t you What’s your name
W: Stella.
M: Want to come and play
W: I’d like to. but I can’t. My Mum says I’ve got to stay and help her. It’s my brother’s birthday and we’re having a party, too.
M: Oh, you’ve got a brother, haven’t you
W: I’ve got two brothers. Kit, the one with the birthday, he’s only four. I’ve got a big brother who’s married, his name’s Don.
M: Does your brother Don live near here
W: Yes, not very far away. Cathy, my sister-in-law, works in the sweetshop over there. They’ve got a new baby called Liz. I mean Elizabeth really, but we call her Liz.
M: Is that your Mum over there calling you
W: No, that’s my Aunt May, my Mum’s twin sister. I’d better go. Bye.
M: Bye.

Why can’t Stella play ( )
A. Because she doesn’t like to.
B. Because she has to help her mother.
C. Because she is having a party.

M: Hi, you’re new here, aren’t you What’s your name
W: Stella.
M: Want to come and play
W: I’d like to. but I can’t. My Mum says I’ve got to stay and help her. It’s my brother’s birthday and we’re having a party, too.
M: Oh, you’ve got a brother, haven’t you
W: I’ve got two brothers. Kit, the one with the birthday, he’s only four. I’ve got a big brother who’s married, his name’s Don.
M: Does your brother Don live near here
W: Yes, not very far away. Cathy, my sister-in-law, works in the sweetshop over there. They’ve got a new baby called Liz. I mean Elizabeth really, but we call her Liz.
M: Is that your Mum over there calling you
W: No, that’s my Aunt May, my Mum’s twin sister. I’d better go. Bye.
M: Bye.

Why can’t Stella play( ).
A. Because she doesn’t like to.
B. Because she has to help her mother.
C. Because she is having a party.
[单项选择]Louis Armstrong sang, "When you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you." Romantics everywhere may be surprised to learn that psychological research has proven this sentiment to be true--merely seeing a smile (or a frown, for that matter) will acti- vate the muscles in our face that make that expression, even if we are unaware of it. Now, according to a new study in Psychological Science, simply reading certain words may also have the same effect.
Psychologists Francesco Foroni from VU University Amsterdam and Gun R. Semin from the University of Utrecht conducted two experiments to see if emotion language has an influence on facial muscle activity. In the first experiment, a group of students read a series of emotion verbs (e.g., "to smile," "to cry") and adjectives (e.g., "funny," "frustrating") on a monitor, while the activity of their zygomatic major (the muscle responsible for smiles) and corrugator supercilii (which causes frowns) muscles were measured. The results showed
A. provide as a proof that smiles are infectious.
B. introduce the topic to be explored in the text.
C. show merry sentiment usually spreads around.
D. justify the assumption in Psychological Scienc
[填空题]You’re falling, falling, falling in your dream, which is said to symbolize ______.

[单项选择]A. Hi, nice to meet you.
B. You’re so kind.
C. Oh. I like you.
[单项选择]Once you’re prepared for a situation, you’re 50 percent of the way toward overcoming nervousness. The other 50 percent is the physical and mental control of nervousness; adjusting your attitude so you have confidence, and control of yourself and your audience.
I was in the theater for many years and always went to work with terrible stage fright—until I was in The King and I. While waiting offstage one night, I saw Yul Brynner, the show’s star, pushing in a lunging (冲) position against a wall. It looked as though he wanted to knock it down. "This helps me control my nervousness," he explained.
I tried it and, sure enough, freed myself from stage fright. Not only that, but pushing the wall seemed to give me a whole new kind of physical energy. Later I discovered that when you push against a wall you contract the muscles that lie just below where your ribs (肋骨) begin to splay (展开). I call this area the "vital triangle".
To understand how
A. adjust his attitude as well as make preparations
B. ask the audience to give him confidence
C. try not to be knocked down by stage fright
D. wait offstage
[单项选择]If you’re like most people, you’re way too smart for advertising. You skip right past newspaper ads, never click on ads online and leave the room during TV commercials.
That, at least, is what we tell ourselves. But what we tell ourselves is wrong. Advertising works, which is why, even in hard economic times, Madison Avenue is a 34 billion-a-year business. And if Martin Lindstrom--author of the best seller Buyology and a marketing consultant for Fortune 500 companies, including PepsiCo and Disney--is correct, trying to tune this stuff out is about to get a whole lot harder.
Lindstrom is a practitioner of neuromarketing (神经营销学) research, in which consumers are exposed to ads while hooked up to machines that monitor brain activity, sweat responses and movements in face muscles, all of which are markers of emotion. According to his studies, 83% of all forms of advertising principally engage only one of our senses: sight. Hearing, however, can
A. the most ignored
B. the most familiar
C. the most impressive
D. the most distinctive


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