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发布时间:2024-08-30 18:31:10

[单项选择]How could anybody dislike the notion of fairness Everything is better when it is fair: a share, a fight, a maiden, or a game. Even defeat sounds more attractive when it is fair and square. For the British fair play is especially important: without it, life isn’t cricket. Their country becomes quite pleasant when the weather is fair, though unfortunately it rarely is. And these days fair-trade goods crowd their supermarket shelves.
Fairness is not only good, but also moderate, which is another characteristic that the British approve of. It does not claim too much for itself. Those who, on inquiry, admit that their health and fortunes are fair-to-middling navigate carefully between the twin dangers of boastfulness and ill-temperedness, while gesturing in a chinup sort of way towards the possibility of future improvement.
Fairness appeals to the British political class, for it has a common sense down-to-earthiness which avoids the grandiosity of American and continental European
A. They are hard to please.
B. They are nice and moderate.
C. They are prone to boastfulness.
D. They are modest yet optimisti

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How could anybody dislike the notion of fairness Everything is better when it is fair: a share, a fight, a maiden, or a game. Even defeat sounds more attractive when it is fair and square. For the British fair play is especially important: without it, life isn’t cricket. Their country becomes quite pleasant when the weather is fair, though unfortunately it rarely is. And these days fair-trade goods crowd their supermarket shelves.
Fairness is not only good, but also moderate, which is another characteristic that the British approve of. It does not claim too much for itself. Those who, on inquiry, admit that their health and fortunes are fair-to-middling navigate carefully between the twin dangers of boastfulness and ill-temperedness, while gesturing in a chinup sort of way towards the possibility of future improvement.
Fairness appeals to the British political class, for it has a common sense down-to-earthiness which avoids the grandiosity of American and co
A. people in Britain want sports to be fair and square.
B. the British highly value the notion of fairness.
C. the British treat their life in a fair and serious way.
D. for the British, life isn’t as fair as a cricket gam

[单项选择]How could listeners get free snack coupons
A. By going to the gift shop
B. By purchasing other snacks first
C. By signing up for them
D. By buying a T-shirt or a hat
[填空题]How could the breakup potentially hurt the interest of consumers
A. A.The breakup led to a setback: Windows 2000 won’t be shipped to consumers until February, two years behind schedule
B.The pay-per-minute model of the cell phone industry will meld with the free culture of the Internet
C.The breakup could increase the operating costs and thus make their products more expensive.

[单项选择]How could the researchers explore the mummy now
A. separate it
B. use 3-D tech
C. put something in it
D. remove something from it

C.to help

How (could) you make(such) a little child (to help) you (carry) the big box
[单项选择]How could we possibly think that keeping animals in cages in unnatural environments—mostly for entertainment purposes—is fair and respectful
Zoo officials say they are concerned about animals. However, most zoos remain "collections" of interesting "things" rather than protective habitats. Zoos teach people that it is acceptable to keep animals bored, lonely, and far from their natural zones.
Zoos claim to educate people and save endangered species, but visitors leave zoos without having learned anything meaningful about the animals’ natural behavior, intelligence, or beauty. Zoos keep animals in small spaces or cages, and most signs only mention the species’ names, diets, and natural ranges. The animals’ normal behavior is seldom noticed because zoos don’t usually take care of the animals’ natural needs.
The animals are kept together in small spaces, with no privacy and little opportunity for mental and physical exercise. This results in unusual and self-destructive beha
A. remain in cages
B. behave strangely
C. attack other animals
D. enjoy moving around


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