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发布时间:2024-02-12 19:38:57

[填空题]He asked whether he (have)()to do the whole experiment again if he failed in a single test.

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[填空题]He asked whether he (have)______to do the whole experiment again if he failed in a single test.
[单项选择]Asked what he would do to improve a government, the ancient Chinese sage Confucius answered that his first measure would be "to correct language". He meant that if words don’t mean what they seem to mean people cannot put any plan into action as intended. The state of language at the dawn of the twenty-first century appears to be more confused than ever—thanks in large part to the enormous influence of television, radio, and print media over what we buy, desire, and believe.
Benjamin Radford, managing editor of The Skeptical Inquirer magazine, offers hundreds of examples of deceptive practices in journalism, advertising, political activism, public relations, and charity appeals. The real danger to the public, he insists, comes not from outright lies about events or individuals, because in most cases facts can ultimately be proven and mistakes corrected. But the emotional power of images, sound bites, and slogans can exert deep and lasting influence on our opinions an
A. it’s urgent to improve a government
B. it’s very important to use language correctly
C. words don’t mean what they seem to mean
D. today’s language is in a state of confusion
[单项选择]Harry got the cold shoulder when he asked to have a date with Mary.
A. 当哈利请玛丽和他约会时,玛丽不予理睬。
B. 当哈利请玛丽和他约会时,玛丽耸了耸肩。
C. 当哈利提出和玛丽约会时,他碰了一鼻子灰。
D. 当哈利提出请玛丽确定一个日期时,他却得了重感冒。
[填空题]He asked whether he (have){{U}} {{/U}}to do the whole experiment again if he failed in a single test.
[填空题]The girl asked excitedly, "do we have a cat " The girl asked excitedly ______.
[填空题]Sam asked Lucy whether he could borrow hers, and she told him she hadn’t taken it with her.
When Sam asked Lucy whether she could ______ to him, she said she hadn’t taken it with her.

[单项选择]PASSAGE ONE The other day my son asked me if he could ride up to his elementary school on his bike and meet his friend. He wanted the both of them to ride back to our house so they could play video games and jump on the trampoline. I have to admit, part of me wanted to say no. We can go pick him up or his parents can bring him over here, I thought. But my son is eleven years old now. And after all, I do let him ride his bike to school. But I also drive my daughter to school and I can see him on the way, making sure he is getting there safely. My husband thinks I am too overprotective. I don’t care to let my children walk anywhere without one of us going along. As you pull out of our neighborhood, there is a shopping center across the street.My son always asks if he can ride his bike or walk over to the drugstore by himself. But crossing that street is just too dangerous. The cars fly around the corner like they’re driving in a car race. What if he gets hit What is some teenage bull
A. Meet his friend.
B. Play video games.
C. Jump on the trampoline.
D. Ride his bike on streets.
[填空题]The girl asked excitedly, "do we have a cat "
The girl asked excitedly ______.

[简答题]He asked his friends not to do that.


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