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发布时间:2023-12-16 01:56:28

[多项选择] Happiness is now a popular topic among many young people. What factors do you think are necessary to achieve happiness Write an essay of about 400 words on the topic given below.
In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion-or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.

更多"Happiness is now a popular topic am"的相关试题:

[简答题]{{I}} Happiness is now a popular topic among many young people. What factors do you think are necessary to achieve happiness Write an essay of about 400 words on the topic given below.{{/I}} {{B}} THE MAKING OF HAPPINESS{{/B}} {{I}} In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion-or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.{{/I}}
[单项选择]"The impulse to excess among young Britons remains as powerful as ever, but the force that used to keep the impulse in check has all but disappeared," claimed a newspaper. Legislation that made it easier to get hold of a drink was "an Act for the increase of drunkenness and immorality", asserted a politician.
The first statement comes from 2005, the second from 1830. On both occasions, the object of scorn was a parliamentary bill that promised to sweep away "antiquated" licensing laws. As liberal regulations came into force this week, Britons on both sides of the debate unwittingly followed a 19th-century script.
Reformers then, as now, took a benign view of human nature. Make booze cheaper and more readily available, said the liberalisers, and drinkers would develop sensible, continental European style ways. Nonsense, retorted the critics. Habits are hard to changer if Britons can drink easily, they will drink more.
Worryingly for modern advocates of liheralisation, ear
A. the statement by a critic
B. the increase of drunkenness
C. the decline of immorality
D. the assertion by a politician
[填空题]The number of suicides among young people tends to keep pace with their level of education.
[单项选择]What is the common symptom of neglect among young children( ).
A. Underfeeding.
B. Parental rejection.
C. No education
D. Mental harm.
[单项选择]A. PCs would become popular among young people.
B. People enjoyed the fun of building their own computers.
C. Computers forecasted a brilliant future of fortune.
D. User-friendly computers would have great prospects.
[单项选择]A. Bring a fear of aging among young students on the campus.
B. Bring a great deal of useful experience to the university.
C. Improve human relationships in university.
D. Improve the reputation of the university.
[单项选择]Among the many ways in which people communicate through speech, public speaking has probably received more study and attracted more attention than any other. Politicians campaigning for public office, salespeople presenting products, and preachers delivering sermons all depend upon this form of public communication. Even people who do not make speaking a part of their daily work are often asked to make public speeches: students at graduation, for instance, or members of churches, clubs, or other organizations. Nearly everyone speaks in public at some time or other, and those who perform the task well often become leaders.
There are many reasons for speaking in public. A public speaker may hope to teach an audience about new ideas, for example, or provide information about some topic. Creating a good feeling or entertaining an audience may be another purpose. Public speakers, however, most often seek to persuade an audience to adopt new opinions, to take certain actions, or to see
A. most of them have been trained as public speakers
B. such activities is prevalent in the society
C. most of them have to do it when they study at college
D. the passage does not mention the reason
Text 2

Among the many ways in which people communicate through speech, public speaking—also called oratory—has probably received more study and attracted more attention than any other. Politicians campaigning for public office, salespeople presenting products, and preachers delivering sermons all depend upon this form of public communication. Even people who do not make speaking a part of their daily work are often asked to make public speeches: students at graduation or at pep rallies, for instance, or members of churches, synagogues, clubs, or other organizations. Nearly everyone speaks in public at some time or other, and those who perform the task well often become leaders.
Public speaking is not informal conversation between two people—nor is it free discussion in a small group or seminar. Speaking becomes public speaking when a person addresses a group of more than one, without interruption, an
A. often deliver speeches to the audience extemporaneously
B. are usually not able to make preparations in advance
C. are not able to deliver a speech without preparation
D. usually prepare their message ahead of schedule


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