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发布时间:2024-03-01 00:34:59

[填空题]The technology in new automobiles changes so rapidly ______________ (以至于今天的车比五年前生产的车要先进得多).

更多"The technology in new automobiles c"的相关试题:

[填空题]The technology in new automobiles changes so rapidly ______________ (以至于今天的车比五年前生产的车要先进得多).

[单项选择] Rapid changes in technology and increasing international competition have led employers to seek new strategies for producing goods and providing services. These changes require a high performance organization where all workers have more responsibility and decision-making functions. Such organizations need employees who are well trained and possess the skills and knowledge necessary for their new functions. In addition, as learning becomes an integral part of the work itself, workers will need to be better prepared to avail themselves of training and learning opportunities in the workplace. One challenge faced by educators and employers is how to prepare students for their changing roles in the workplace and how to ensure that the economy uses the full capacity and potential of our youth. At a point in our history when education beyond high school is increasingly viewed as necessary to meet the educational and skill requirements of many current and emerging careers, approximate
A. which seeks new strategies for producing goods and providing services
B. in which workers play more active roles
C. in which workers rather than the executives make the decisions
D. which increases its competitiveness by hiring only skilled workers
[填空题]Juvenile delinquency is the subject of this new social research techniques, which is different from the previous studies.
[单项选择]W: Boy, how quickly technology changes! So many people have a computer in their home nowadays.
A. Computers There are so many computers in the office.
B. Yes, I know. I feel so behind the time.
C. But I know a lot of computers.
D. Yes, I know. Without computer, there would be no Internet.

Science and new technology have made such rapid progress in agriculture that modern machines can do almost all farm work, and therefore have made it possible for farmers to pro- duce more food on the same amount of land. When people live in plenty, vegetables and fruits are becoming more and more popular. As a result more and more vegetables and fruits are in greater need.
Can orchard workers harvest fruits with machines as farmers to crops Yes, they can. Scientists have already invented many different fruit-harvesting machines. Now, let’s take cherry picking machine for example. The cherry-picking machine first shakes a cherry tree, then catches cherries in heavy sheets and pushes the fruit along belts. The cherries are then dropped into huge containers of water, in which they are washed clean, and look fresh and pretty when they are placed into plastic boxes which come along the belt one after another. All this work is finished within three minutes. In this way tw
A. When people have more money than is needed...
B. When people have quite a large amount of wealth...
C. When people no longer worry about not having enough for their daily needs of food or clothing ...
D. When people need a large number of daily needs...


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