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发布时间:2023-12-15 06:18:34

Many animals and plants threatened with extinction could be saved if scientists spent more time talking with the native people whose knowledge of local species is dying out as fast as their languages are being lost.
Potentially vital information about many endangered species is locked in the vocabulary and expressions of local people, yet biologists are failing to tap into this huge source of knowledge before it is lost for good, scientists said. "It seems logical that the biologists should go and talk to the indigenous people who know more about the local environment than anyone else," said David Harrison, an assistant professor of linguistics at Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania.
"Most of what humans know about ecosystems and species is not found in databases or libraries or written down anywhere. It’s in people’s heads. It’s in purely oral traditions," Dr. Harrison told the American Association for the Advancement of Science in San Fran

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[多项选择]Many animals and plants threatened with extinction could be saved if scientists spent more time talking with the native people whose knowledge of local species is dying out as fast as their languages are being lost.
Potentially vital information about many endangered species is locked in the vocabulary and expressions of local people, yet biologists are failing to tap into this huge source of knowledge before it is lost for good, scientists said. "It seems logical that the biologists should go and talk to the indigenous people who know more about the local environment than anyone else," said David Harrison, an assistant professor of linguistics at Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania.
"Most of what humans know about ecosystems and species is not found in databases or libraries or written down anywhere. It’s in people’s heads. It’s in purely oral traditions," Dr. Harrison told the American Association for the Advancement of Science in San Francisco. "About 80 per cent of the ani
[单项选择]Both plants and animals of many sorts show remarkable changes in form, structure, growth habits, and even mode of reproduction in becoming adapted to different climatic environment, types of food supply, or mode of living. This divergence in response to evolution is commonly expressed by altering the form and function of some part or parts of the organism, the original identity of which is clearly discernible. For example, the creeping foot of the snail is seen in related marine preemptors to be modified into a flapping organ useful for swimming, and is changed into prehensile arms that bear sartorial disks in the squids and other cephalopods. The limbs of various mammals are modified according to several different modes of life—for swift running (cursorial) as in the horse and antelope, for swinging to several different modes of life—for swinging in trees (arboreal) as in the monkey, for digging ( fossorial ) as in the moles and gophers, for flying (volant) as in the bats, for swimmin
A. Adoptive Divergence
B. Evolution
C. Unusual Structures
D. Changes in Organs
Both plants and animals of many sorts show remarkable changes in form, structure, growth habits, and even mode of reproduction in becoming adapted to different climatic environment, types of food supply, or mode of living. This divergence in response to evolution is commonly expressed by altering the form and function of some part or parts of the organism, the original identity of which is clearly discernible. For example, the creeping foot of the snail is seen in related marine preemptors to be modified into a flapping organ useful for swimming, and is changed into prehensile arms that bear sartorial disks in the squids and other cephalopods. The limbs of various mammals are modified according to several different modes of life—for swift running (cursorial) as in the horse and antelope, for swinging to several different modes of life—for swinging in trees (
A. Adoptive Divergence
B. Evolution
C. Unusual Structures
D. Changes in Organs
[多项选择]Both plants and animals of many sorts show
remarkable changes in form, structure, growth
habits, and even mode of reproduction in
Line becoming adapted to a different climatic envi-
(5) ronment, type of food supply, or mode of liv-
ing. This divergence in response to evolution is
commonly expressed by altering the form and
function of some part or parts of the organism,
the original identity of which is clearly dis-
(10) cernible. For example, the creeping foot of the
snail is seen in related marine pteropods to be
modified into a flapping organ useful for
swimming, and is changed into prehensile
arms that bear suctorial disks in the squids
(15) and other cephalopods. The limbs of various
mammals are modified according to several
different modes of life for swift running
(cursorial) as in the horse and antelope; for
swinging in trees (arboreal) as in the monkeys;
(20) for digging (fossorial) a
[单项选择]Passage OneA. Animals perform many useful and entertaining jobs.
B. Different animals have their own characteristics.
C. Animals should be given proper training.
D. Animals are very important in the eco-system.
[单项选择]{{B}}Passage 38{{/B}}
Animals do many useful and entertaining jobs. (38) {{U}}Dogs are particularly valuable in guiding the blind (a trained dog can learn never to cross a busy street when cars are coming, even if his master commands him to do so), protecting property, finding lost people, and hunting criminals.{{/U}} Horses are used in guarding herds, carrying men in lands where there are no roads, and helping farmers plow fields. Pigeons have long been used to carry message. Wild animals from the jungles, forests and seas are very popular performers in circuses and movies. People realize that, although animals may not have the same intelligence as human beings, they are smart enough to learn certain things.
The first thing a dog is taught is to obey. It should not take too long for him to learn commands. Simple orders, such as "sit, lie down
A. he gets a good piece of meat
B. he gets praise from his master
C. he is allowed to be by himself
D. he is taken for a walk in the evening


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