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发布时间:2024-07-31 05:57:57

[单项选择]Globalization used to mean, by and large, that business expanded from developed to emerging economies. Now it flows in both directions, and increasingly also from one developing economy to another. Business these days is all about "competing with everyone from everywhere for everything", write the authors of "Globality", a new book on this latest phase of globalization by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG).
One sign of the times is the growing number of companies from emerging markets that appear in the Fortune 500 rankings of the world’s biggest firms. It now stands at 62, mostly from the so-called BRIC economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China, up from 31 in 2003, and is set to rise rapidly. On current trends, emerging-market companies will account for one-third of the Fortune list within ten years, predicts Mark Spelman, head of a global think-tank (智囊团] ) run by Accenture, a consultancy. There has been a sharp increase in the number of emerging-market companies acquiring e
A. a two-direction flowing between developed and developing countries
B. a one-direction flowing from developed world to the developing one
C. a multi-direction flowing among the world economies
D. all participants competing in the markets for what is wanted

更多"Globalization used to mean, by and "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Globalization used to mean, by and large, that business expanded from developed to emerging economies. Now it flows in both directions, and increasingly also from one developing economy to another. Business these days is all about "competing with everyone from everywhere for everything", write the authors of "Globality", a new book on this latest phase of globalization by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG).
One sign of the times is the growing number of companies from emerging markets that appear in the Fortune 500 rankings of the world’s biggest firms. It now stands at 62, mostly from the so-called BRIC economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China, up from 31 in 2003, and is set to rise rapidly. On current trends, emerging-market companies will account for one-third of the Fortune list within ten years, predicts Mark Spelman, head of a global think-tank (智囊团] ) run by Accenture, a consultancy. There has been a sharp increase in the number of emerging-market companies acquiring e
A. 63.
B. 31.
C. 167.
D. 333.
[填空题]For a restless executive, air travel used to mean ______.
"Humanism" has used to mean too many things to be a very satisfactory term. 57. Nevertheless, and in the lack of a better word, 58. I shall use it here to explain for the complex of attitudes which this discussion has undertaken to defend.
59. In this sense a humanist is anyone who rejects the attempt to describe or account of man wholly on the basis of physics, chemistry, and animal behavior. 60. He is anyone who believes that will, reason, and purpose are real and significant: that value and justice, are aspects of a reality called good and evil and rests upon some foundation other than custom; 61. that consciousness is so far from a mere epiphenomenon that it is the most tremendous of actualities; 62. that the unmeasured may be significant; or, to sum it all up, 63. that those human realities which sometimes seem to exist only in human mind are the perceptions of the mind.
64. He is


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