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发布时间:2024-08-01 00:12:06

[填空题]Urban crowdedness __________________ (将大大地缓解) if only the fees charged on public transport were more reasonable.

更多"Urban crowdedness _________________"的相关试题:

[填空题]Urban crowdedness __________________________(将大大缓解) if only the fees charged on public transport were more reasonable.
[填空题]Urban crowdedness would be greatly relieved if ______ (公交费用更合理).

The modern urban planning and redevelopment movement (1) in response to the (2) and dirtiness of the slum areas which were (3) by the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. Reformation of these areas (4) the objective of early city planners, who imposed regulatory laws establishing (5) for (6) , sanitation, water supply, sewage and public health conditions. Urban planners also introduced parks and playgrounds into crowded city neighborhoods, (7) places for recreation, as well as (8) relief.
The chief new urban-planning concept of the early 20th century was zoning—the regulation of building activity to set (9) of height and (10) and to protect established neighborhoods.
Urban territory (11) as a result of improved public transportation. Workers could live far from their jobs, traveling back and forth by bus, subway, or car.
By the middle of the 20th c
A. cleanness
B. poverty
C. order
D. disorder


The modern urban planning and redevelopment movement (26) in response to the (27) and dirtiness of the slum areas (28) by the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. Reformation of these areas was the (29) of early city planners, who imposed regulatory laws establishing (30) for housing, sanitation (卫生), water supply, sewage and public (31) conditions. Urban planners also introduced parks and playgrounds into crowded city neighbourhoods, (32) places for recreation, as well as (33) relief.
The chief new urban-planning concept of the early 20th century was zoning--the regulation of building activity to set (34) of height and (35) and to protect established neighbourhoods.
Urban territory (36) as a result of improved public transportation worker could live far from their jobs, traveling back and forth by bus, subway, or car.
By the middle of the 20th century, u
A. objective
B. aim
C. object
D. subject

[单项选择]Part B
The earth is witnessing an urban revolution, as people worldwide crowd into towns and cities. In 1800 only five per cent of the world’s population were urban dwellers; now the proportion has risen to more than forty-five percent, and by the year 2010 more people will live in towns and cities than in the countryside. Humanity will, for the first time, have become a predominantly urban species.
Though the world is getting more crowded by the day, absolute numbers of population are less important than where people concentrate and whether these areas can cope with them. Even densities, however, tell us nothing about the quality of the infrastructure—roads, housing and job creation, for example—or the availability of crucial services.
The main question, then, is not how many people there are in a given area, but how well their needs c
A. to warn about the dangers of revolutions in towns
B. to warn about the possibility of a population explosion
C. to suggest governments should change their priorities
D. to suggest governments invest in more housing in cities

The necessary urban development of our cities must be compatible with the conservation of the Cultural and Historical Patrimony. This is particularly true in the ease of those cities, numerous, in the Iberian Peninsula and Europe, that are the result of a long historical tradition, often uninterrupted during almost two thousand years. The preservation of the Archaeological Patrimony in these cities, however, comes up against conflicts difficult to resolve, with very differing and opposed positions: the demand and the price of the ground, the harmonious development of the city, the presence of infrastructures and services, the aspiration of the citizens to worthy housing, the business projects of the promoters or the working plans of the constructors.
The common resource established to solve these conflicts is Urban Planning. Archaeology must take part actively in the elaboration of this planning, and use its abilities po
A. many historical sites are cleared for urban development.
B. the impact of urban development has always Been negative.
C. archaeologists fail to play an active part in urban planning.
D. no standard and planning figures are used in urban planning.


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