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发布时间:2024-08-28 20:03:07

[单项选择]Who seemed to have taken the MP3 player
A. The girl.
B. The boy.
C. One of the girl’s guests.

更多"Who seemed to have taken the MP3 pl"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Who seemed to have taken the MP3 player
A. Not telling her parents about the party.
B. Not keeping her plans secret.
C. Not keeping the MP3 player well.
[单项选择]Who has taken the stamps
A. The woman.
B. The woman’s sister.
C. The man’s classmates.
D. The man himself.
[单项选择]Who has taken steps to resolve the conflict
A. U.N. Secretary Council Envoys.
B. President Joseph Kabila.
C. Jean-David Levitte.
D. President Jose Eduardo Dos Santo.
[单项选择]You have taken information on project scope and resources and then developed durations for input to schedules. Since there was very limited information about the project, you used actual duration of a previous, similar activity as the basis for estimating future activity. What will be a next step after this activity
A. Using diagramming techniques like GERT and systems dynamic
B. Calculating theoretical early and late start and finish dates for all project activitie
C. Using standardized networks to expedite preparation of project network diagram
D. Subdividing project work packages into smaller more manageable components for better management contro

Pediatricians from a US university have taken a look at one measure of children’s well-being in Egypt, the Philippines and India, the extent to which children are subject to corporal punishment and abuse. The data revealed interesting cultural differences about what seems to be acceptable when it comes to physically disciplining children. Among the things we learned, for instance, was that in India, slapping a child in the face or head is more common than spanking them, the researchers say. And in Egypt, twenty-five percent of the mothers said that they had beaten their child up, which was defined as hitting them over and over again with a closed fist. And then the other interesting things were like the Philippines, the rate of telling people that evil spirits were going to get them, the kind of emotional, kind of threatening to lock them out of the home, was very high. However, despite the differences in punishment methods, some notable similarities have b
A. India.
B. Egypt.
C. The Philippines.
D. Not mentioned.

[填空题]Great changes have taken place in China since she carried out the policy of reform and opening-up in 1980s.
[单项选择]Passage Five
Anyone who’s ever taken a preschooler to the doctor knows they often cry more before the shot than afterward. Now researchers using brain scans to unravel the biology of dread have an explanation: For some people, anticipating pain is truly as bad as experiencing it.
How bad Among people who volunteered to receive electric shocks, almost a third opted for a stronger zap if they could just get it over with, instead of having to wait. More importantly, the research found that how much attention the brain pays to expected pain determines whether someone is an "extreme dreader" —suggesting that simple diversions could alleviate the misery.
The research, published in the journal Science ,is part of a burgeoning new field called neu-ro-economics that uses brain imaging to try to understand how people make choices. Until now, most
A. children are afraid of being shot by doctor
B. waiting is a painful process
C. we should give a shot to a child as slow as possible
D. bodily pain is less important
[单项选择]Who should sign up A. Only students who have time for the work. B. All the students who are at the meeting. C. Only students who have a telephone.

What have people who listened to the radio regularly ever experienced


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