发布时间:2023-10-02 01:37:20

Wood carving refers to the art of creating or decorating objects of wood by carving with a sharp, hand-held tool. This form of art has a history of over 1,000 years and a unique artistic style. The following is some introduction about wood carving in America.
Wood carving began as a necessity in America and developed into an art. Because of the lack of other materials, early settlers were forced to make tools and utensils out of wood. At first, these articles were whittled with a knife, but when pioneer craftsmen set up their primitive shops most of them were fashioned on a lathe--a machine which holds an object and rotates it while it is being shaped by a tool.
However, even after Massachusetts-born Thomas Blancard designed a lathe which could turn irregular shapes--an innovation that made possible mass production of gunstocks, shoe lasts, oblong
A. A bust
B. A decoy
C. A figurehead
D. A chisel

更多"Wood carving refers to the art of "的相关试题:

Wood carving refers to the art of creating or decorating objects of wood by carving with a sharp, hand-held tool. This form of art has a history of over 1,000 years and a unique artistic style. The following is some introduction about wood carving in America.
Wood carving began as a necessity in America and developed into an art. Because of the lack of other materials, early settlers were forced to make tools and utensils out of wood. At first, these articles were whittled with a knife, but when pioneer craftsmen set up their primitive shops most of them were fashioned on a lathe--a machine which holds an object and rotates it while it is being shaped by a tool.
However, even after Massachusetts-born Thomas Blancard designed a lathe which could turn irregular shapes--an innovation that made possible mass production of gunstocks, shoe lasts, oblong
A. arts and crafts
B. political leaders
C. logging industries
D. fashion design
[单项选择]Wood carving refers to the art of creating or decorating objects of wood by carving with a sharp, hand-held tool. This form of art has a history of over 1,000 years and a unique artistic style. The following is some introduction about wood carving in America.
Wood carving began as a necessity in America and developed into an art. Because of the lack of other materials, early settlers were forced to make tools and utensils out of wood. At first, these articles were whittled with a knife, but when pioneer craftsmen set up their primitive shops most of them were fashioned on a lathe--a machine which holds an object and rotates it while it is being shaped by a tool.
However, even after Massachusetts-born Thomas Blancard designed a lathe which could turn irregular shapes--an innovation that made possible mass production of gunstocks, shoe lasts, oblong and square wooden wares--craftsmen who could use knife and chisel skillfully were still in demand. Some found ready employment in
A. arts and crafts
B. political leaders
C. logging industries
D. fashion design
[简答题]TEXTB L’Art de la Bande dessinée Le héros moderne Avec le temps, les idées ont évolué et avec elles, l’image du héros de bandes dessinées. C’est ainsi qu’à c té du héros classique qui donne une idée exemplaire de la nature humaine, - correspondant asse peu à la réalité, il faut le reconna tre – se trouve aujourd’hui toute une catégorie de héros dont les caractéristiques s’éloignent plus ou moins de l’ancien modèle. Un nouveau héros (qu’on rencontre surtout dans la bande dessinée pour adultes) possède une épaisseur humaine et psychologique qu’il n’avait pas autrefois. Moins idéalisé, moins conformiste que par le passé, plus vulnérable, c’est un être fait de chair et de sang, animé de sentiments parfois contradictoires. Il est vonlontiers décontracté, détendu, nonchalant, s’il n’est pas quelque peu désenchanté : la marque de notre époque ... Ses traits, autrefois plus ou moins calqués sur le modèle de la beauté grecque, se rapprochent plus volontiers de certaines gueules
A. A.C’est un héros hors du commun.
B.Un héros plus proche de la réalité.
C.Les caractéristiques du héros moderne sont portées à un degré très élevé.
D.Il est doué d’une épaisseur artistique plus impressionnante.


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