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发布时间:2024-07-28 19:52:22


Conversation 2
Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation.
M: Hello, Mary. It’s John. I’ve got something to tell you about the delivery of computers.
W: Oh, yes. How is it coming along
M: Well, we have problems with the ABC computer company.
W: Really What kind of problem
M: They haven’t delivered the order on time.
W: Oh, no. Why not
M: I don’t know. Could you call them
W: Yes, of course. What’s the order number
M: It’s CPU3861. Mr. Peterson is the contact man.
W: All right. I will call you back later in the afternoon.

Who was the contact man in the ABC company()
A. The manager.
B. The salesman.
C. Mr. Peterson.
D. Mary.

更多"Conversation 2 Questions 8 to 10 "的相关试题:


Conversation 1
Questions 6 and 7 are based on the following conversation.
W: Good morning, sir. May I help you
M: Yes. I have a room booked with you, for three days starting today. Name of Wang. W-A-N-G.
W: Thank you, Mr. Wang. Please wait one moment while I check out our reservations list. (pause) That’s Mr. David Wang, from Beijing
M: Yes, it is.
W: Can I see your passport, please
M: Sure, here you are.
W: Mr. Wang, everything is OK. Your booking is from today through Friday. Single room. Your room number is 505. Here’s your key.
M: Thanks. Could you point me in the right direction
W: Certainly, sir. The elevators are right across the lobby. Second floor to fifteenth are the elevators to the right.

Where is the conversation taking place()
A. At a station.
B. At a bank.
C. In a hotel.
D. In a shop.

Conversation 2
Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation.
M: Hi! Christine, what have you been doing this summer holiday
W: Working, mostly.
M: That sounds pretty good. What kind of work have you been doing exactly
W: I’ve been working in a hotel.
M: What, as a Waitress
W: No, I’ve been helping in the kitchen most of the time—washing vegetables, preparing breakfast trays—that sort of thing.
M: Have you been enjoying it Or has it been rather boring
W: No, it hasn’t been too bad. I’ve found it quite interesting, in fact.
M: And have you earned a lot of money
W: Hardly, but I haven’t done too badly. I’ve been getting $40 a week, plus my meals and my accommodation, so I’ve earned over $500 all together.

Did she like her job()
A. It was rather boring.
B. It was quite boring.
C. It was very interesting.
D. It was real fun.


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