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发布时间:2023-10-21 16:18:07

[多项选择]Candidate A
1. Could you shortly describe your hometown for us
2. What’s your opinion about your company
Candidate B
3. What does your family usually do in your spare time
4. Do you like dining out

更多"Candidate A 1. Could you shortly d"的相关试题:

[简答题]Paraphrase the sentence "those bets could sour, however, if the American economy slows" (Para. 6)

W: Excuse me...
M: Yes
W: Could you tell me how far it is to the National Arts Center
M: Yes. It’s only a ten-minute walk from here.
W: How can I get there I’m a stranger here, you see.
M: Well, you walk down this street two blocks to the traffic lights.
W: Two blocks to the traffic lights. And then
M: Then turn left and you’ll be on Queen Street. There’s a big hotel on the corner and the National Arts Center is right there. You can’t miss it.
W: Turn left at Queen Street and look for the Center beside the big hotel.
M: Right.
W: Thank you very much for your help. By the way, could you tell me where I can get a cup of coffee
M: Er... you can get a coffee in the National Arts Center.
W: Many thanks.
M: You’re welcome.

What place is the woman looking for( ).
A. The National Arts Center.
B. Queen Street.
C. A big hotel.

Imagine a world where your doctor could help you avoid sickness, using knowledge of your genes as well as how you live your life. Or where he would prescribe drugs he knew would work and not have debilitating side-effects.
Such a future is arriving faster than most realise: genetic tests are already widely used to identify patients who will be helped or harmed by certain drugs. And three years ago, in the face of a torrent of new scientific data, a number of new companies set themselves up to interpret this information for customers. Through shop fronts on the internet, anyone could order a testing kit, spit into a tube and send off their DNA—with results downloaded privately at home. Already customers can find out their response to many common medications, such as antivirals and blood-thinning agents. They can also explore their genetic likelihood
A. identify customers’response to common medications
B. diagnose customers’ health state in the future
C. judge customers’ genetic inclination to some diseases
D. find the cause for some diseases, such as glaucoma

[简答题]Your Work or Your Studies Please describe your home a little.
[简答题]Your friend Jimmy has invited you to attend his house-warming party to be held this weekend. But you will have something urgent to do then. Write him a note to decline his invitation and also show your regrets. {{I}}Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grinner and appropriateness.{{/I}}
[单项选择]Insurance Direct phoned: re your call, could you return form by 28 September.
A. Please ring Insurance Direct back about the form before 28 September.
B. Send back the insurance form that you phoned about before 28 September.
C. Insurance Direct have acknowledged receipt of your form dated 28 September.
[多项选择]PART 1
·Could you tell me something about your family

Could I have your attention please Thank you.
As I told you this morning, this afternoon is our shopping afternoon. If you have a look at the back page of your tour programme, you’ll see a little map of the city centre, with the names of some of the shops marked. As you won’t have too much time, I’m just going to explain to you what they sell.
We’re now in the Friendship Shopping Centre. On your right is Larp’s, a very good place for shoes and boots, rather than gloves, bags clothes or others. Opposite that is Li Ning, a good place for sports goods, not cheap, but really pretty. Next door to Li Ning is a place for books. They have got books on almost every subject anyone has ever written about, airplanes to animals, but Chinese only--so none of your English books I’m afraid. If you walk along, there are shops which sell cameras, radios, and so on, which you won’t buy, I’m afraid. If you are tired or would like to hav
A. Bags.
B. Shoes.
C. Clothes.


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