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发布时间:2023-10-22 19:17:52

[单项选择]Passage Five
A number of researchers have examined the variables/strategies that affect students’ learning English as a second language. This report identifies some of the learner variables/ strategies used by two students in a Hong Kong Technical Institute. The instruments for data collection included observation, interviews and questionnaires. The findings are discussed and some implications highlighted.
What makes a ’good’ language learner ’good’, and what makes a ’poor’ language learner ’poor’ What does this imply for the teaching of language in the Hong Kong context These are the central questions of this assignment. The existing body of research attributes the differences between language learners to learner variables and learner strategies, Learner variables include such things as differences in personality, motivation, style, aptitu
A. because these writers are authorities in the field and these are recognized as important concepts
B. because these writers are authorities in the field and these are recognized as important definitions
C. because the present author is not sure what these terms mean
D. because the present author wishes to redefine the scope of research in this area

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[单项选择]Passage Five
A number of researchers have examined the variables/strategies that affect students’ learning English as a second language. This report identifies some of the learner variables/ strategies used by two students in a Hong Kong Technical Institute. The instruments for data collection included observation, interviews and questionnaires. The findings are discussed and some implications highlighted.
What makes a ’good’ language learner ’good’, and what makes a ’poor’ language learner ’poor’ What does this imply for the teaching of language in the Hong Kong context These are the central questions of this assignment. The existing body of research attributes the differences between language learners to learner variables and learner strategies, Learner variables include such things as differences in personality, motivation, style, aptitu
A. to define technical terms
B. to define terms and scope of the study
C. to outline the main sections of the report
D. to summarize the area robe covered in the article
[单项选择]Passage Five
For decades, researchers have grappled with the problem of creating a machine that can tell, definitively, whether a person is lying. Until recently, their work has been far from successful. The past generation of lie-detection technologies has been put under scientific scrutiny and found wanting. But science, ever resourceful, is coming up with new ideas.
The problem with past lie detectors is that it relies on second-hand signs of lying, such as a person’s breathing rate, pulse, blood pressure which a good actor can suppress. Furthermore, someone who is telling the truth might exhibit just these signals, because the very act of being questioned by the authorities is stressful. Instead, current research is looking directly at the source of lies, the brain itself.
Daniel Langleben uses a brain-scanning technique call
A. necessary
B. misleading
C. unsatisfactory
D. practical
[填空题]This passage outlines five strategies for making parents wise consumers.

[单项选择]Passage One Five or six years ago, I attended a lecture on the science of attention. A philosopher who conducts research in the medical school was talking about attention blindness, the basic feature of the human brain that, when we concentrate intensely on one task, causes us to miss just about everything else. Because we can’t see what we can’t see, our lecturer was determined to catch us in the act. He had us watch a video of six people tossing basketballs back and forth, three in white shirts and three in black, and our task was to keep track only of the tosses among the people in white. The tape rolled, and everyone began counting. Everyone except me, I’m dyslexic (有阅读障碍的),and the moment I saw that grainy tape with the confusing basketball tossers, I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep track of their movements, so I let my mind wander. My curiosity was aroused, though, when about 30 seconds into the tape, a gorilla (大猩猩)came in among the players. She (we later learned
A. the fact that one can’t see what one can’t see
B. seeing one thing while missing all else.
C. keeping track of just about everything
D. the condition of being blind to details


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