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发布时间:2023-10-22 07:16:12


W: Could I see the Manager, please I have a complaint.
M: Can I help you, madam
W: Yes. The toilet doesn’ t flush properly; the water doesn’t run away in the shower; and there’ s no extra service. What have you to say to that
M: I’ m sorry to hear that. I’ll attend to it right away.
W: That’ s no way to run a hotel.
M: No, madam. I do apologize. It’ s most unusual. The housekeeper usually checks every room before new guests move in. we’ ve been very busy with a large conference.
W: Oh, terrible, anyhow, one doesn’ t expect this sort of thing in a well - run hotel.
M: We’ re awfully sorry. Is there anything else
W: I’ d like an extra pillow.

Who is the man ()
A. Shop assistant.
B. Receptionist.
C. Hotel manager.
D. Clerk.

更多"[听力原文]6-8 W: Could I see the Mana"的相关试题:


W: Could I see the Manager, please I have a complaint.
M: Can I help you, madam
W: Yes. The toilet doesn’ t flush properly; the water doesn’t run away in the shower; and there’ s no extra service. What have you to say to that
M: I’ m sorry to hear that. I’ll attend to it right away.
W: That’ s no way to run a hotel.
M: No, madam. I do apologize. It’ s most unusual. The housekeeper usually checks every room before new guests move in. we’ ve been very busy with a large conference.
W: Oh, terrible, anyhow, one doesn’ t expect this sort of thing in a well - run hotel.
M: We’ re awfully sorry. Is there anything else
W: I’ d like an extra pillow.

What’ s the woman complaining about ()
A. The room is too dirty.
B. The room is very noisy.
C. The hotel is too large.
D. Something was wrong in toilet.

M: I wish I could see George here.
W: He’s planning to come, but a moment ago his wife called to say that be had to take his father to the hospital.

Who’ s ill ()
A. George’ s brother.
B. George’ s wife.
C. George’s father.
D. George’s wife’s father.

M: Could you please explain the assignment for Monday, Miss Smith
W: Certainly. Read the next chapter in your textbook and come to class prepared to discuss what you’ve read.

What is the probable relationship between the two speakers()
A. Secretary-Pass.
B. Client - Lawyer.
C. Patient - Nurse
D. Student - Teacher.

M: Could you tell me when the next train leaves for Taiyuan
W: The next train leaves in ten minutes. If you nm, you might just catch it.

What will the man probably do ()
A. Catch the thief.
B. Hurry to get on the train.
C. Wait for another train.
D. Fix his tom sleeve.

W: Could I please borrow a car from you Mine has just run out of the fuel
M: I’m afraid I don’t have one. Would a bicycle do

How did the man respond to the woman’s request ()
A. He lent her a car.
B. He offered her a bicycle.
C. He said he did not have any fuel.
D. He was afraid of losing his car.

M: Andy, could you send this document to Mr. White’s office
W: Sure, I’ll do it right away.

What will the woman do()
A. Send a document to Mr. Baker’s office.
B. Send a document to Mr. White’s office.
C. Send newspaper to Mr. White’s office.
D. Send newspaper to Mr. Baker’s office.

M: Tom said he could get some tickets for the game ifyou are interested.
W: If I’m interested! I’ve been trying to get tickets everywhere.

What does the woman mean()
A. She’d like to get tickets for the game very much.
B. She’s not interested in the game.
C. She’s already got some tickets for the game.
D. She feels sorry that the man has misunderstood him.

Conversation 2
[听力原文] 8-10
Woman: Could you give me something, for the pain I didn’t get to sleep until three o’clock this morning.
Man: Aspirin is the strongest medication I can give you without a prescription.
Woman: That isn’t strong enough, and I don’t have an appointment with my dentist until next week.
Man: Who is your dentist
Woman: Dr. Williams.
Man: Doesn’t he have his office on the corner
Woman: Yes, he does.
Man: Are you a regular patient
Woman: Yes.
Man: Oh. Then I can call him if you like. Dr. Williams will give me pain prescription over the phone.
Woman: I’d appreciate that very much. Do you think that he’ll still be in his office
Man: Sure. It’s only four - thirty. He should he there until five.
Woman: Good.
Man: Too bad you can’t get an appointment sooner.
Woman: I know. Dr. Wi
A. in a dentist’s office.
B. In a drug store.
C. In a hospital.
D. In a doctor’s office.


W: Could you tell me if the flight from New York will be arriving on time
M: Yes, Madam. It should have been arriving in five minutes, but it will be delayed for about an hour due to the fog.
Q: Whom do you think the woman is talking to()

A. A weatherman.
B. An airline steward.
C. A clerk at the airport information desk.
D. A taxi driver.

W: Could I please borrow a car from you Mine has just run out of the fuel
M: I’m afraid I don’t have one. Would a bicycle do

How did the man respond to the woman’s request()
A. He lent her a car.
B. He offered her a bicycle.
C. He said he did not have any fuel.
D. He was afraid of losing his car.

M. Could you tell me when the next bus leaves for New York
W: The next bus leaves in three minutes; if you run you might catch it.

What will the man probably do ()
A. Sit next to the bus stop.
B. Fix his torn sleeve.
C. Catch cold.
D. Hurry to get the bus.


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