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发布时间:2024-07-31 02:46:36


Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
W: Good morning, can I help you
M: Yes, please. (7)I’d like to cash two traveler’s cheques.
W: Could you sign your name here please
M: Sure.
W: Thank you. How would you like your money
M: In hundreds and fifties, please.
W: Ok. It’s 1,660 yuan, here you are.
M: Thanks. May I know the exchange rate
W: Well, at the moment the exchange rate between US dollars and RMB is 1:8.3. You give me two $100 cheques; here is 1,660 yuan. Is that right
M: Yes, thanks.

What does the man want to do()
A. To get some money.
B. To cash the cheques.
C. To get some information about RMB.
D. To know the exchange rat

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Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
W: Good morning, can I help you
M: Yes, please. (7)I’d like to cash two traveler’s cheques.
W: Could you sign your name here please
M: Sure.
W: Thank you. How would you like your money
M: In hundreds and fifties, please.
W: Ok. It’s 1,660 yuan, here you are.
M: Thanks. May I know the exchange rate
W: Well, at the moment the exchange rate between US dollars and RMB is 1:8.3. You give me two $100 cheques; here is 1,660 yuan. Is that right
M: Yes, thanks.

Where does the conversation most probably take place()
A. In a supermarket.
B. In a bank.
C. In an office.
D. In a stock market.

Conversation 1
M: Good morning, madam. Can I help you.
W: (6) I’d like to see some handbags.
M: Here they are. They are in many sizes and shapes. The black one with flowers is very popular. So is the white one.
W: They do look very nice. I can’t make up my mind.
M: Why don’t you take both I’m sure your friends will like them.
W: That’s a good idea. I’ll take them both then.
M: Let me wrap them up for you,
W: How much do they cost
M: (7) Sixty-five yuan in all.

What does the woman want to buy()
A. Handbags.
B. Flowers.
C. Black flowers.
D. Both the black and the white flowers.

Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
M: Good morning. Miss Zhao. Please sit down.
W: Thank you. It’s nice to meet you. Mr. Zhang.
M: I have your application here. You are a university student
W: Yes. I’m a business major.
M: So you are interested in working for our company.
W: Yes, I need a part time job, both for money and experience.
M: We’ll have an opening for an office clerk this summer.
W: That would be wonderful.
M: Are you computer trained
W: Yes, I can handle Windows, Power Point, and Excel. Here is my certificate.
M: Ah. that’s very good. You’ll need some training in our methods, though. Every office is different, you know.
W: Thank you. That will be very helpful for my future. When do I start exactly
M: We’ll let you know as soon as possible. Goodbye.
W: Goodbye.

Why does the woman want to do a part time
A. For money.
B. For experience.
C. For promotion.
D. Both for money and experience.

Conversation 2
W: Good morning, sir. Can I help you
M: Good morning. Pm interested in Chinese antiques. Have you got any good ones
W: Yes, we have many Chinese antiques. Like landscape painting and flower-and-bird painting. Which do you like
M: I’d like a flower-and-bird painting.
W: Good. How about this picture of cranes It was painted by a famous Chinese painter in the Qing Dynasty.
M: Oh, they look just like live cranes. I like this picture very much.
W: And what’s more, in Chinese culture, cranes mean long life.
M: That sounds very interesting.

What is the man interested in()
A. Chinese paintings.
B. Chinese antiques.
C. Chinese vases
D. Chinese foo

Conversation 2
[听力原文] 8-10
W: Good morning, sir.
M: Good morning. I’d like to buy two tickets to New York, please.
W: When do you want to leave, sir
M: Next Saturday.
W: Just a moment. Yes, we still have some tickets.
M: How much is a round trip ticket
W: Let me see ... 18,168yuan.
M: OK. I’d like two round trip tickets to New York. Here’s my credit card.
W: Thank you. May I have your name and passport number, sir
M: Michael Smith, passport number: P6363221 and Susan Smith, P6363220.
W: Fine, and your phone number, please
M: 95396188.

What does the man want to do()
A. Buy air tickets.
B. Check his order for a flight.
C. Ask about the price of air tickets.
D. Inquire about the date of a flight.

Conversation 2
[听力原文] 8-10
M: Good morning. This is Peter Brown of IMA computers. What can I do for you
W: Hello. I’d like to order some computer monitors.
M: Yes. Which ones
W: The order number is C106.
M: How many do you need
W: Three hundred, please.
M: One moment. Yes, we can supply them.
W: Could you send them by July 21st, please
M: Certainly.
W: Good, thanks.
M: Thank you. Good-bye.
W: Good-bye.

What does the woman want to do()
A. Order some goods from a sales company.
B. Inquire about the price of some goods.
C. Check an order with IMA Company.
D. Ask when she can get the goods she’s ordered.

Conversation 1
W: Good morning, British Airways. How can I help you
M: Good morning. (6)I have a return ticket to Rome. It’s open. I’d like to confirm my flight.
W: What date do you want to travel
M: Thursday, November 26.
W: The first flight departs at 2 p.m.. It arrives in Rome at 5:20 p.m..
M: Is there a later flight
W: (7) Yes there is a flight at 4 p.m. arriving in Rome at 7:30 p.m..
M: (7) Yes, thank you. That’s right.
W: What class are you traveling
M: Ah... economy.
W: Is that one fit
M: Yes.

Where does the man want to travel()
A. To Paris.
B. To Rome.
C. To London.
D. To Berlin.


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