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发布时间:2023-11-16 18:27:23

[填空题]The roads have to be (wide)()so that the problem of traffic jam can be solved.

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[填空题]The roads have to be (wide)()so that the problem of traffic jam can be solved.
[填空题]The roads have to be ______ (wide) so that the problems of traffic jam can be solved.
[填空题]The roads have to be (wide) ______ so that the problem of traffic jam can be solved.
[单项选择]Several recent studies have gained wide attention for reconfirming the tragic disconnection of millions of black youths from the American mainstream. Harry Holzer, an economist at Georgetown University and a co-author of one of the recent studies, feels joblessness is due to largely weak schooling, a lack of reading and math skills at a time when such skills are increasingly required even for blue-collar jobs. Unable to find jobs, he claims, black males turn to illegal activities, especially the drug trade and chronic drug use, and often end up in prison.
As usual, it fails to answer the important questions. Why are young black men doing so poorly in school that they lack basic literacy and math skills Scholars must have known that countless studies by educational experts have found that poor schools, per se(本质上), do not explain why after 10 years of education a young man remains illiterate.
Nor have studies explained why, if .someone cannot get a job, he turns to crime
A. It enables black youths to get into employment.
B. It provides black youths with reading and math skills.
C. It prevents black youths from illegal activities.
D. It decreases drug trade and drug use among black youth.
[填空题]You have produced so many famous animation characters..__________________(那么你认为一部成功的动画片应该具备哪些要素呢)
[单项选择]Campaigns have become so expensive, and the politicians must spend so much of their time raising money, that neither the candidate nor the lobbyists have time for the old-fashioned schmoozing that was once the hallmark of the lobbying trade. It’s all very businesslike now for both sides. For the politicians, the challenge is how to raise the most money in the least amount of time. For the lobbyists, the challenge is to know which politicians to shower with money in order to get maximum results.
Moderate politics, a willingness to study issues and seek workable compromise, is no longer cost-effective. The politicians who send out fund-raising letters promising to give each issue careful study won’t raise a dime.
But if that politician targets those who are known to favor a certain issue and he lets that group know he will champion their cause no matter who opposes it, the money rolls in. The amount he can raise depends on how sharply he can draw a contrast between those who fa
A. how much money they can raise for election.
B. how close they should come to politicians.
C. which politician can solve their problems.
D. which politician is worth their investment.
[简答题]Many people have become so addicted to online shopping that they _________________(情不自禁每天都要访问购物网站).
[单项选择]Since the early 1980s, scientists have revealed some 40 human genes involved in cancer. These genes are essential for normal growth, but can be subverted to cause a tumor.
Dr. Jorge Yunis of the University of Minnesota Medical School in Minneapolis has found that 70 percent of oncogenes, or cancer-causing genes, are located near inherited weak points on chromosomes(染色体). Varying from individual to individual, vulnerable to chemical carcinogens(致癌剂) ,X rays and other cancer-inducing agents.
"If a chromosome snaps apart in the immediate vicinity of an oncogene," says Yunis, "normal genetic control mechanisms could break down and the stage would be set for the formation of cancer." Younis hag shown that such a sequence occurs at the beginning of numerous leukemias (白血病), lymphomas (淋巴瘤) and some tumors of the lung, colon (结肠) and breast.
Yunis and Other investigators have found that petroleum-based products--notably pesticides and insecticides--damage specific sites on at l
A. The lung.
B. The colon.
C. The chromosomes.
D. The breast.


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