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发布时间:2024-03-06 01:16:57

[单项选择]When an economy is in an economic expansion, automatic stabilizers will tend to alter government spending and taxation so as to:()
A. ensure that the budget will remain in balance.
B. reduce the budget deficit (or increase the surplus).
C. enlarge the budget deficit (or reduce the surplus).

更多"When an economy is in an economic e"的相关试题:

[单项选择]An economic expansion has caused Treasury yields to increase and absolute credit spreads to narrow. Which of the following is most likely true()
A. Relative corporate yield spreads to Treasuries will have increased.
B. The yield ratio of BBB-rated bond yields to AAA-rated bond yields may have increased even as their absolute yield spread has decreased.
C. Even if absolute credit spreads had remained the same, the yield ratio and relative yield spread of BBB to AAA bonds could have decreased.
[填空题]In times of economic recession when jobs are hard to find, it is important to organize your job search carefully. Here are some tips to make your search more 76 . First of all,consider that your job is getting a job. Work at getting a job every day for a 77 number of hours. Make it a habit. Next, ask people you know to suggest other people for you 78 about a job, so valuable information may be obtained. Then, on the day of the interview, BE ON TIME. On time means five to ten minutes early. If possible, take some time to drive to the office 79 time so you know exactly where you are going and 80 it will take to get there. Also,at the end of every interview, ask the person who interviewed you for suggestions and names of people for you to 81 . Offer to work 82 if a full-time job is not immediately available. 83 willing and eager. Most important,if you are not accepted, don’t get 84 and give up. Your job search will 85 be successful if you work hard at getting it.
A. A.productive

[单项选择]A worker is most likely to earn economic rent when the marginal revenue product (MRP) from her labor and the supply curve for her type of labor exhibit which of the following characteristics MRP Supply curve()①A. High More elastic ②B. Low Less elastic ③C. High Less elastic
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
[简答题]What kind of Economic Policy in an Open Economy
[简答题]The economy of China and its economic partners are now very closely integrated -- by trade and by investment.

46)Free-market economy is an economic system in which individuals, rather than government, make the majority of. decisions regarding economic activities and transactions. Iadividuals are free to make economic decisions concerning their employment, how to use or accumulate capital, what expenditures to make, and whether to use their resources now or to save them for later consumption. The principles underlying free-market economies can be traced to the 18th century British economist Adam Smith. 47)According to Smith, individuals acting in their own economic self-interest will maximize the economic situation of society as a whole, as if guided by an "invisible hand". In a free-market economy the government’s function is limited to providing what are known as "public goods" and performing a regulatory role in certain sifuations.
48) Public goods, which include defense, law and order, and education, have two characteristics;consumpti


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