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发布时间:2023-11-21 19:49:08

[填空题]Has it stopped (rain)______yet

更多"Has it stopped (rain)______yet"的相关试题:

[填空题]Has it stopped (rain) ______ yet
[填空题]Acid rain has made numerous lakes so acidic that they ______.


There is one kind of pain for which nobody has yet found a cure--the pain that comes from the ending of a relationship. The relationship could be a marriage or a deep friendship. Such a relationship may come to a sudden end; or it may simply fade away slowly as people and circumstances change. You may be the one to "break it off’, with a short note or a brief phone call. Or you may be on the receiving end. However it ended and whoever decided to end it, the pain is equally hard to bear and it requires the same time for grief. Although there is no cure for grief, we can not help looking for one, to ease the pain and to make us forget our tears. We keep ourselves busy with work, or we try to plunge ourselves into our hobbies. Perhaps we start to drink more than we should to "drown our sorrows", or we follow the conventional advice and join a club or society. But these things cannot cure it. Moreover, we are always in a hurry to get rid of our grief. We feel tha
A. how to erase the emotional pain
B. what is the emotional pain like
C. what cause the emotional pain
D. why to erase the emotional pain

[填空题]The rain stopped in the evening. It stopped ________ in the evening.
[填空题]Only when the rain stopped _____ meeting start again.
[填空题]It seems that the government presently has not yet new ports building plans to locate in North China.
[单项选择]Has Nancy stopped smoking now( ).
A. Yes.
B. No.
C. Not certain.
[填空题]Hardly had the rain stopped, when we (set) ______ off.
[单项选择]W: Has the latest Time Magazine arrived yet Today’s already Tuesday.
A. Today’ s already Monday. But it hasn’ t arrived yet.
B. Sorry, it’ s late. Probably not till the day after tomorrow.
C. It may arrive on Wednesday.
D. Time Magazine, so far as I know, is the most popular for us New Yorkers.
[单项选择]A She has not applied to any universities yet, B She will begin university classes in a few weeks. C She does not know yet if a university will accept her. D She is too busy to contact the university right now.


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