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发布时间:2024-07-29 06:18:04

[填空题]If you have lost a book, call this number.

更多"If you have lost a book, call this "的相关试题:

[简答题]● You have lost your pocket calculator, and you want to order a new one. You need to make a written request to your Supervisor, Ann Ray.
● Write a memorandum to her
● saying that you need a replacement.
● explaining what happenend to the old one.
● asking her to approve the request,
● Write about 30 40 words.


W: You have a telephone call, Mr. Smith.
M: Who is it
W: He didn’t say.
M: Tell him I’m not in the office. Say I’ll be back by four o’clock.
W: All right. Hello, sir...
M: Yes
W: I’m afraid he’s just stepped out of the office. May I ask who’s calling
M: Yes, this is Edgar Davis from Boston.
W: Oh, yes, Mr. Davis. I am afraid he won’t be back until four o’clock. Could you give me your number, please.
M: Yes.

What does Mr. Smith tell his secretary to say( ).
A. He’ll phone the caller at four o’clock.
B. He’s out of his office.
C. he’ll be on the phone at onc

M: Have you finished reading the book you bought last month
W: Oh, I didn’t read straight through the way you read a novel. I just covered a few chapters which interested me most.

How did the woman read the book( ).
A. She read it selectively.
B. She went over it chapter by chapter.
C. She read it slowly.
D. She finished it at a stretch.
[简答题]Part 2&3Describe a book you have read/you want to read again What books would children like to read Is it good to read before going to school What should parents do to help them What do you think about reading for pleasure What are the differences among different libraries What should be a library equipped with Should be the electronic equipment included What should people benefit from the library Can electronic equipments take place of books in future A lot of American Indian can not read, but it is reported that every one could do in China, what do you think about it
[单项选择]You can call at the office to ( ) your lost property, or send in a written description, but you cannot telephone about it, for we have not the staff available to deal with calls.
A. locate
B. mortgage
C. recover
D. claim
[填空题]Now that I have lost the notes, we’ll have to _____ without them.

W: Jack, have you got the book I asked you to borrow the other day
M: Sorry, I haven’t.
W: How come
M: I couldn’t find time to go to the library.

Why didn’t Jack get the book()
A. Because he didn’t want to borrow the book.
B. Because there wasn’t such a book in the library.
C. Because he was too busy to go to the library.
[单项选择]Conversation Two
A. He is sad to have lost his job.
B. He totally supports the woman’s choice.
C. He insists that the woman major in business.
D. He doesn’t believe in his wife.
[简答题]part 2Describe a book you have recently read

M: Have you read the book called Michael Jordan
F: No, but I know Michael myself. He is a basketball star.

What do you know about Michael Jordan( ).
A. He is a book writer.
B. He plays football.
C. He is a sportsman.
[简答题]part 2 & 3Describe a book you have recently read
[单项选择] I can’t find the key to my office.I() have lost it on my way home.
A. would
B. should
C. must
D. ought to
[单项选择]Have you heard about the book which pushes blood types as determining whether somebody should be vegetarian or not
The idea of choosing foods based on your blood type was popularized by Peter J. D’Adamo, ND, in his book, Eat Right For Your Type (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1996). D’Adamo, a naturopath, proposes that those who have blood type A should be vegetarian, while those with blood type O must eat meat and eliminate wheat and some other grains. He says that following the correct diet for your blood type will help you maintain optimal health and weight, avoid many infections, and fight back against life-threatening illnesses. Is there any truth to his claims
While D’Adamo spends more than 350 pages explaining the minute details of the foods, supplements, medications, and exercise regimens which should be followed by people with each blood type, he fails to scientifically document the effectiveness of his recommendations. Many of the claims which he makes are not backed up
A. favors strict diet according to one’s blood type.
B. advocates limited diet regardless of one’s blood type.
C. prefers a combination of meat and vegetarian diet as a lifelong habit.
D. favors a varied, whole foods-based vegetarian diet.


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