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发布时间:2024-07-29 04:29:37

[简答题]No one can fully understand why the cost of living keeps increasing, but economists believe that workers and producers can make prices go up. As workers earn more money, they have more money to spend, so they demand more goods. If there is a great demand for certain goods, the price of these goods will go up.

更多"No one can fully understand why the"的相关试题:

[简答题]No one can fully understand why the cost of living keeps increasing, but economists believe that workers and producers can make prices go up. As workers earn more money, they have more money to spend, so they demand more goods. If there is a great demand for certain goods, the price of these goods will go up.
[单项选择]  One reason why a sheep, a less well-understood experimental subject than the laboratory mouse, should have proved easier to clone may stem from differences in the initial stages of the two species’’ embryonic development. After reaching maturity in the ovary of the mother, the unfertilized eggs of all mammals accumulate a supply of proteins, and the means of producing fresh protein. In this way, the mammalian egg brings with it a larder for the embryo to make use of until its own genes activate and supply this requirement themselves. The sheep embryo disposes of its store properly and need not depend on its own genes until the sixteen-cell stage, four cell divisions successive to fertilization, while in contrast, the mouse embryo commences this process more precociously, becoming reliant on the activity of its own genes after just the first division when the fertilized egg becomes two cells. Therefore, a foreign nucleus introduced into a sheep egg exploits a respite in its host’’s bi
A. advancing an argument against human cloning based on evidence from cloning experiments performed on lower life forms
B. measuring the technical and ethical limitations of the embryonic cloning process in mammals
C. refuting arguments against human cloning through the use of hard scientific evidence
D. illuminating the critical ethical distinctions in process between human cloning and sheep cloning
E. describing how the ethical issues in the quest for human cloning have given rise to new models of embryonic development
[简答题]S1. According to Paragraph One. Why do we blot out the sounds we don’ t want to hear

No one knows exactly why we laugh or why anything that is funny should cause us to make such a peculiar noise. It would be just as logical to stick our thumbs in our ears and wiggle our fingers as it is to giggle or bellow or howl with laughter. But when something strikes our "funny bone", our diaphragm flutters up and down, and we laugh.
66. ______
Stories are among the most popular forms of humor. As a rule, a story is considered inferior if it embarrassed someone, if it makes something sacred appear common, if it makes a person’s weakness the cause for laughter, if it has to have vulgarity to be funny, or if everyone cannot join in the enjoyment of the joke.
People enjoy very much the various situations of humor.
If a man meets a lady on the street, tips his hat to her, and a pigeon flies out from beneath it, most of the people who see it would roar with laughter. This is called the humor of the unexpected happening.
[单项选择]In English culture one can form an O with one’s thumb and forefinger while stretching out the other three fingers to signify "______".
A. It’s me
B. Come here
D. Yes
[单项选择]No one can avoid()by advertisements.
A. being influenced         
B. influencing
C. having influenced        
D. to be influenced
[单项选择]The greatest benefit one can get from exercise is when ______.
A. the workout involve various jumps
B. one does not use an elevator but climbs stairs
C. one walks to run most of the errands
D. one switches from being inactive to active


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