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发布时间:2023-10-22 02:41:17


W: I’m exhausted. I stayed up the whole night writing my report.
M: Why do you always wait fill the last minute

What can we learn about the woman ()
A. She has a bad working habit.
B. She wakes up early.
C. She always goes to bed too late.
D. She’s an excellent worker.

更多"[听力原文] W: I’m exhausted. I "的相关试题:


Mothers are increasingly fed up with jobs that do not allow them to spend enough time with their children. So instead, they are starting their own business. The number of women working for themselves has increased by nearly 20% since 2000, according to official figures, and now tops a million. And an opinion poll commissioned by the government shows that the most significant factor in the increase is a desire among women for a better balance between work and family life. The biggest motivation for doing it alone—according to 70% of those polled—was to be able to work more flexibly. Three out of four said that their work and family life balance was better when they ran their own business.
Tanya Rostron, a mum of two children, employs 11 people at her firm, which supplies water coolers throughout the East Midlands. She once worked as head of marketing in a major leisure company. When she got married and had children, she was determined to escape t
A. Because the jobs are difficult
B. Because the jobs make them have little time for their children
C. Because their children and family are in trouble
D. Because they don’t like the jobs


W: Can you speak up a little I can hardly hear you.
M: All right. Is that better now

What can we conclude from the talk()
A. The woman has no problem hearing the man.:
B. The man tries speaking loud enough.
C. The woman can’t understand the man.
D. The man doesn’t want to speak up.

W: Linda rang me up yesterday. She’s changed her job again.
M: It’s typical of her. She can’t stay in one place for even one month.

What does the man mean()
A. Linda likes living in different places.
B. He is surprised to hear the news.
C. Linda cannot stay long in one job.
D. He is about to change his job as well.

W: Hurry up please, or I’m be late.
M: Sorry Ma’am, but the traffic is heavy this time of day.

What is the woman doing ()
A. She’s taking a bus.
B. She’s walking on a street.
C. She’s on a plane.
D. She’s taking a tax

W: Why don’t you give up smoking It’s such a bad example to the children.
M: It’s a pleasure in my life. That’s why.

Why does the man like smoking ()
A. Because he is in good health.
B. Because it’s a pleasure in his life.
C. Because she cannot bear the smell.
D. Because it makes him cough badly.

Conversation 2
M: Hurry up. It’s time for TV.
W: What are we going to watch
M: A football game between Germany and Italy. It should be exciting.
W: (8) But I’m not interested in football. I’d like to see a TV film.
M: Oh, no, you can see a TV film any other day.
W: There will be other football games any other day.
M: But this game is the most important of the season.
W: Well. If you insist on watching the game, I will go.
M: Where are you going Are you angry with me
W: Oh, take it easy, I’m just joking. (9/10)I’m going to the cinema, and you can enjoy your game at home.

What can’t they agree on()
A. What they are going to do.
B. What program they are going to watch on TV.
C. When to watch TV.
D. Which team is going to win.

M: As the pollution is going up. I won’t he able to stay here next year.
W: You earned so well! Why don’t you stay longer

What does the woman suggest to the man ()
A. That he Will take a year off to work.
B. That he talked to the woman his problem.
C. That he should not go away.
D. That he hates the pollution.

W: Why don’t you give up drinking It’s such a bad example to the children.
M: It’s one of the pleasures in my life. That’s why.

Why does the woman want the man to give up drinking()
A. Because he is in bad condition.
B. Because she can’t stand the smell.
C. Because the kids may learn from him.
D. Because it makes him cough badly.

Conversation 2
[听力原文] 8-10
M: Hurry up. It’s time for TV.
W: What are we going to watch
M: A football game between Germany and Italy. It should be exciting.
W: (8)But I’m not interested in football. I’d like to see a TV film.
M: Oh, no, you can see a TV film any other day.
W: There will be other football games any other day.
M: But this game is the most important of the season.
W: Well. If you insist on watching the game, I will go.
M: Where are you going Are you angry with me
W: Oh, take it easy, I’m just joking. (9/10)I’m going to the cinema, and you can enjoy your game at home.

What can’t they agree on()
A. What they are going to do.
B. What program they are going to watch on TV.
C. When to watch TV.
D. Which team is going to win.


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