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发布时间:2024-01-30 04:22:16

[简答题]Wiping away doubts that Dolly the sheep clone was a fluke, University of Hawaii researchers announced they’ve been cloning mice for months, creating a flock of more than 50 duplicate rodents along the way. 71. The success of the Hawaii group transforms adult cloning from a scientific novelty to a well-defined procedure likely to be .reproduced in labs around the world. The mass production of carbon copy mice, in turn, now allows researchers to test variations of the cloning techniques to see what works best. Cloning the genetically engineered mice used in medical studies should also be cheaper than current breeding methods.
The Hawaii researchers use essentially the same recipe used to make Dolly: Take an egg. Scoop out the nucleus, which contains the DNA genetic information, and discard. Take a cell of the animal you wish to clone and insert its DNA into the egg. Add chemicals to tell the egg to start developing into an embryo. Incubate the embryo in a test tube for a few

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[简答题]Wiping away doubts that Dolly the sheep clone was a fluke, University of Hawaii researchers announced they’ve been cloning mice for months, creating a flock of more than 50 duplicate rodents along the way. 71. The success of the Hawaii group transforms adult cloning from a scientific novelty to a well-defined procedure likely to be .reproduced in labs around the world. The mass production of carbon copy mice, in turn, now allows researchers to test variations of the cloning techniques to see what works best. Cloning the genetically engineered mice used in medical studies should also be cheaper than current breeding methods.
The Hawaii researchers use essentially the same recipe used to make Dolly: Take an egg. Scoop out the nucleus, which contains the DNA genetic information, and discard. Take a cell of the animal you wish to clone and insert its DNA into the egg. Add chemicals to tell the egg to start developing into an embryo. Incubate the embryo in a test tube for a few

After Dolly the Sheep come the Mickey Mice. (46) Scientists are expected to reveal that they have succeeded in creating the first animal cloned from the cells of an adult since the birth of Dolly two years ago. A formal announcement is expected within weeks.
(47) Researchers in Hawaii are understood to have manufactured a mouse that is an identical genetic copy of another living animal, raising the prospect of commercial cloning of animals -- and eventually of humans.
Since scientists at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh revealed the existence of Dolly to awed colleagues in February last year, nobody has been able to make another clone derived from cells taken from an adult animal. Dolly was grown from the udder cells of an ewe.
Some biologists have since queried Dolly’ s authenticity because of their inability to reproduce the results, The cloned mouse would end any doubts and confirm that man is genuinely on verge of a new era in repr

[填空题]There are many sheep on the hill.
Many sheep______ on the hill.

[填空题]move away
[填空题]Scientists led by Dolly cloner lan Wilmnt advised that Hwang’s data should be investigated inside the______.

[填空题]Dolly Madison once invited the children of Washington to roll boiled eggs down the hilly lawn of ______.
[判断题]Wool comes from sheep and cows.

In February of 1997 Dolly, the first successful mammalian clone, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. With the extensive news coverage of this momentous event, the study of genetic engineering and recombinant DNA was thrown into the public spotlight.
(41)__________Much of this unfounded fear is based upon memories of poorly researched science fiction novels, fear of the unknown, and a "growing mistrust of science".
(42)__________For example, it will be possible for cows to be genetically engineered to produce pharmaceuticals in their milk. This means that vaccination shots and pills would become obsolete. Babies could be brought up immune to diseases by simply being fed this milk. Imagine the impact on the quality of life for people who live in third world countries like Somalia. Whole countries could be made healthy and immune to disease.
(43)__________Rice does not provide all of the nutrients that the body needs and in these countries other food i


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