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发布时间:2023-12-12 00:01:21

[单项选择]Much attention is presently being given to what is termed "functional illiteracy". This should not be confused with the problem of illiteracy, that is, the inability to read and write. Current United Nations (UNESCO) figures indicate that 99 percent of all Americans are literate, the same figure assigned to nations such as Britain, Germany. Functional illiteracy, by contrast, is concerned with how much difficulty people have in actually using and writing skills in everyday situations. This might be interpreted, for example, as the relative ability to understand federal income tax forms, or printed instructions, or how well someone can write a letter of complaint, or apply in writing for a job.
There are no agreed-upon definitions of what functional illiteracy is and, in practice, definitions vary. widely. For many years, reading tests have been used throughout the country which define reading ability by grade level. "Tenth-grade reading level" for instance, would be the average
A. Ability to read and write.
B. Ability to appreciate literature.
C. Lack of interest in literature.
D. Inability to read and writ

更多"Much attention is presently being g"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Much attention is presently being given to what is termed "functional illiteracy". This should not be confused with the problem of illiteracy, that is, the inability to read and write. Current United Nations (UNESCO) figures indicate that 99 percent of all Americans are literate, the same figure assigned to nations such as Britain, Germany. Functional illiteracy, by contrast, is concerned with how much difficulty people have in actually using and writing skills in everyday situations. This might be interpreted, for example, as the relative ability to understand federal income tax forms, or printed instructions, or how well someone can write a letter of complaint, or apply in writing for a job.
There are no agreed-upon definitions of what functional illiteracy is and, in practice, definitions vary. widely. For many years, reading tests have been used throughout the country which define reading ability by grade level. "Tenth-grade reading level" for instance, would be the average
A. One who reaches tenth grade reading level.
B. One who reaches eighth grade reading level.
C. One who reaches twelfth grade reading level.
D. Not known yet.
[填空题]What did many children remember being given by their parents only once
[单项选择]Where is the talk most probable being given
[单项选择]When is this talk most likely being given
[简答题]1) your gratitude for being given the opportunity, 2) your basic background, 3) your wish for everybody to have a good time. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2: (10 points)
[填空题]The old woman was glad to have being given a separate room when she was in hospital().
[单项选择]when is this talk most likely being given( ).
A. During the first week of class.
B. During midterm week.
C. On the last day of Class.
[单项选择]The leader says he hasn’t given much thought to the demonstrations planned against him during his state visit to Britain next week.()
A. 这位领导人说他并未过多考虑下周对英国国事访问期间针对他策划的示威游行。
B. 这位领导人对下周访英期间为他周密筹划的示范活动评价不高。
C. 这位领导人就要对英国进行国事访问,对于下周为他策划的示威游行他说并未过多考虑。
D. 这位领导人说他并未想到下周英国国事访问期间会为他安排示范活动。


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