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发布时间:2024-09-01 22:30:29


W: Excuse me. I’m wondering if you could tell me how to find a place where I could have my shoes fixed. I’m new in this city.
M: Of course. You can always look in the yellow pages and the back of the telephone book under shoe repair.
W: The yellow pages and the back of the telephone book under shoe repair. But I haven’t got one right now.
M: There’s a good shoe repair shop not far from here. Go down the street and turn left at the fourth crossing. It’s next to the bank.
W: Well, do you know its name
M: I’m sorry. I can’t remember the name of the shop. It’s near the police station. You can’t miss it.
W: By the way, when will it be closed in the afternoon
M: Half past five. Time is enough for you to get there.

What is the woman looking for( ).
A. A police station.
B. A telephone station.
C. A shoe repair shop.

更多"W: Excuse me. I’m wondering i"的相关试题:


W: Excuse me. I’m wondering if you could tell me how to find a place where I could have my shoes fixed. I’m new in this city.
M: Of course. You can always look in the yellow pages and the back of the telephone book under shoe repair.
W: The yellow pages and the back of the telephone book under shoe repair. But I haven’t got one right now.
M: There’s a good shoe repair shop not far from here. Go down the street and turn left at the fourth crossing. It’s next to the bank.
W: Well, do you know its name
M: I’m sorry. I can’t remember the name of the shop. It’s near the police station. You can’t miss it.
W: By the way, when will it be closed in the afternoon
M: Half past five. Time is enough for you to get there.

Which of the following is NOT true( ).
A. The woman will leave the man soon.
B. The man doesn’t remember the name of the telephone book.
C. The yellow pages in the telephone book are very useful.
[简答题]A: Excuse me Could you change a room for me   B: __________(发生了什么事了,先生)   A: There’s something wrong with the bathroom tap. It was making noise all night _____________(以至于我不能入睡).   B: I’m sorry to hear that. ___________(我马上叫人来修理).   A: Thank you. But I hope _____________(最好还是给我换个房间).   B: We don’t have a spare room at present. I’ll ____________(已有房间我就给你换).   A: OK. Be sure not to forget.   B: Certainly, sir.

Mary: Excuse me. Could you pass me a plate
Alex: Sure. You’re Mary Young, aren’t you
Mary: Yes, I am.
Alex: I thought so. You probably won’t remember me, but I came for an interview for  (1)  with you about three years ago.
Mary: Yes, Alex Schein, isn’t it
Alex: That’s right.
Mary: I seem to remember that one of your hobbies was photography. It was a real passion.
Alex: You do have a good memory.
Mary: So what happened We offered you a job, but you went to work for (2)  —Deutsche Bank, I seem to remember.
Alex: The conditions they gave me were better, I’m sorry to say.
Mary: I can understand that. So, are you still working there
Alex: No, I have given up banking (3). I worked for Deutsche Bank for a little more than two years, but I didn’t really like the job. There was too much competition among the employees,
A. an accountant job
B. an accounting job
C. an account job
D. an accountancy job

[单项选择]Woman: Excuse me; could you bring me a glass of water, please
Man: Sorry, but I’m not a waiter.
Question: What does the man mean( ).
A. He wants a glass of water.
B. He won’t do as the woman asks.
C. He can’t wait any longer.
D. He’s looking for the waiter.

M: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the zoo
W: There is a zoo around here

What does the woman mean()
A. The zoo is nearby.
B. There is a zoo around here.
C. She doesn’t hear the question.
D. She doesn’t know about the zoo.
[单项选择]Excuse me, could you tell me whether Bus No. 23 stops at this stop()
A. I go to school by bus.
B. I’m afraid not.
C. Yes, this is No. 23 bus.
D. I’ll not take No. 23 bus.


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