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发布时间:2024-06-13 18:28:06

  • A. it come
  • B. I hope so
  • C. he get that
  • D. was sick
  • E. What’ s the matter
  • F. What happened
  • G. Has he been sick
  • H. went to see the doctor
    Beth: Did you hear that Ron was in the hospital
    Mimi: Oh, really (56) with him
    Beth: He’s got a very high temperature. I guess it may be cholera (霍乱).
    Mimi: Cholera! How in the world did (57)
    Beth: Who knows!
    Mimi: (58) for a long time
    Beth: For a couple of weeks, apparently. But he only (59) on Monday.
    Mimi: Why did he wait so long He should have seen a doctor earlier.
    Beth: Yes, I know. But luckily the doctor says if he stays in the hospital for a few weeks, be should be able to improve.
    Mimi: Gee, (60) .


更多"A. it come B. I hope so "的相关试题:

  • A. it come
  • B. I hope so
  • C. he get that
  • D. was sick
  • E. What’ s the matter
  • F. What happened
  • G. Has he been sick
  • H. went to see the doctor
    Beth: Did you hear that Ron was in the hospital
    Mimi: Oh, really (56) with him
    Beth: He’s got a very high temperature. I guess it may be cholera (霍乱).
    Mimi: Cholera! How in the world did (57)
    Beth: Who knows!
    Mimi: (58) for a long time
    Beth: For a couple of weeks, apparently. But he only (59) on Monday.
    Mimi: Why did he wait so long He should have seen a doctor earlier.
    Beth: Yes, I know. But luckily the doctor says if he stays in the hospital for a few weeks, be should be able to improve.
    Mimi: Gee, (60) .

A. it come B. I hope so
C. he get that D. was sick
E. What’ s the matter F. What happened
G. Has he been sick H. went to see the doctor
Beth: Did you hear that Ron was in the hospital
Mimi: Oh, really (56) with him
Beth: He’s got a very high temperature. I guess it may be cholera (霍乱).
Mimi: Cholera! How in the world did (57)
Beth: Who knows!
Mimi: (58) for a long time
Beth: For a couple of weeks, apparently. But he only (59) on Monday.
Mimi: Why did he wait so long He should have seen a doctor earlier.
Beth: Yes, I know. But luckily the doctor says if he stays in the hospital for a few weeks, be should be able to improve.
Mimi: Gee, (60) .
[填空题]I’m still (hope) ______ that he will come.
[单项选择]He didn’t feel like ______ that day so he stayed indoors reading.
A. working
B. works
C. to work
D. worked
[单项选择]When Peter got home he fell so tired that he was in no mood for preparing the report
A. 当彼得回到家时他已经筋疲力尽了,根本没有精力去做报告。
B. 彼得回到家后觉得很累,对准备报告一片空白。
C. 当彼得回到家里他感到很累,根本没有心情去准备那份报告。
D. 彼得不想在报告中提到他回家时感到很累的问题。
[单项选择]Mr. Jones had a few (41) holiday, so he said, "I’m going to the mountains (42) train." He put on his best clothes, took a small bag, went to the station and (43) the train. He had a very beautiful hat, and he often put his head (44) the window during the trip and looked at the mountains. But the wind blew his hat (45) .
Mr. Jones (46) took his old bag and threw it out of the window, too.
(47) people in the carriage laughed. "Is your bag going to bring your hat back" they asked.
"No," Mr. Jones answered. "But there is (48) a name (49) an address in my hat, and there is a name and an address on the bag. Someone’s going to find both of them, and he is going to (50) me both the bag and the hat./
A. day B. days C days’
[单项选择]He spoke so quickly that I didn't () what he said.
A. make for
B. make sure
C. make over
D. make out
She was slim and he liked her that way. So he called a lawyer. The result was a contract. According to the document, the fresh-faced bride agreed to pay a fine for each pound she gained in weight, the money refundable upon its loss. The paper signed, and the wedding went on. This is a prenuptial agreement—one more indication of the strange pass of marriage in this most trans- actional decade. You are welcome to marriage, contractual style, where increasingly detailed le- gal documents spell out everything from who’ s going to do the dishes to who’ s going to get the house when you split.
This is family planning taken to extreme. Once employed solely by the rich, second-timers and the old industrialist carrying off the latest young cookie, the prenuptial agreement—a written pact between a couple outlining the financial obligation in the event of divorce—i
A. is a part of a comedy film
B. is something rare
C. is something real and becoming common daily
D. is ridiculous


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