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发布时间:2024-07-31 03:14:03

[单项选择]Questions 1~5
There has been an ecological triumph in the province of Sweden where I’ve spent the past three weeks. The wolf and the lynx have both returned to the forests. The naturalists have been rejoicing. There’s been a TV documentary. Meanwhile the local farmers and hunters have disappeared into the forests with their rifles. Jan and Lennart, the sons of the farmer at the end of the lake, were particularly aggrieved that the lynx (that’s a wild cat to you townies) was killing "their" deer, and the urban bureaucrats who had decided to protect it only increased their rage. They vowed to track the animal down. "Did they kill it" I asked one local man. "They didn’t say", he replied with a hint of a wink.
What does the word "rural" mean to you Organic, perhaps. Wholesome. Gemeinschaft (or do I mean Gesellschaft). Conservative. Marx’s "rural idiocy" maybe. To me the countryside is about paranoia. It breeds independence and idiosyncrasy and
A. dispassionate
B. eulogizing
C. positive and exaggerating
D. negative and bitter

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[单项选择]Questions 1~5
There has been an ecological triumph in the province of Sweden where I’ve spent the past three weeks. The wolf and the lynx have both returned to the forests. The naturalists have been rejoicing. There’s been a TV documentary. Meanwhile the local farmers and hunters have disappeared into the forests with their rifles. Jan and Lennart, the sons of the farmer at the end of the lake, were particularly aggrieved that the lynx (that’s a wild cat to you townies) was killing "their" deer, and the urban bureaucrats who had decided to protect it only increased their rage. They vowed to track the animal down. "Did they kill it" I asked one local man. "They didn’t say", he replied with a hint of a wink.
What does the word "rural" mean to you Organic, perhaps. Wholesome. Gemeinschaft (or do I mean Gesellschaft). Conservative. Marx’s "rural idiocy" maybe. To me the countryside is about paranoia. It breeds independence and idiosyncrasy and
A. is too stringent in carrying out the laws
B. deserves compliments for its achievements in preventing crimes
C. is highly democratic
D. contributes little to the public welfare
[填空题]CONVERSATION 2 (Questions 5-8)
Monique has been in London for (5) days.
Monique is taking the English course to improve her (6) English and to see (7) .
Monique is living in a (8) .
[单项选择]Questions 26-30
The case for college has been accepted without question for more than a generation. All high school graduates ought to go, says conventional wisdom and statistical evidence, because college will help them earn more money, become "better" people, and learn to be more responsible citizens than those who don’t go.
But college has never been able to work its magic for everyone. And now that close to half our high school graduates are attending, those who don’t fit the pattern are becoming more numerous, and more obvious. College graduates are selling shoes and driving taxis; college students interfere with each other’s experiments and write false letters of recommendation in the intense competition for admission to graduate school. Others find no stimulation in their studies, and drop out often encouraged by college administrators.
Some observers say the fault is with the young people themselves--they are spoiled and they are expecting too mu
A. people used to question the value of college education
B. people used to have full confidence in higher education
C. all high school graduates went to college
D. very few high school graduates chose to go to college
{{B}}Questions 6~10 {{/B}}
There has been much hullabaloo about corporate accounting scams in America, yet perhaps the biggest accounting oversight of all time remains hidden in governments’ own national figures. GDP per head is the most commonly used measure of a country’s success, yet it is badly flawed as a guide to a nation’s economic well-being. A new study in the OECD’s 2006 "Going for Growth" report considers some alternatives.
Economists spend much time discussing how to boost GDP growth. The OECD itself drew attention this week to the widening gap between American’ s and Europe’s GDP per head. Yet a nation’s well-being depends on many factors ignored by GDP, such as leisure time, income inequality and the quality of the environment. GDP was developed primarily as a planning tool to guide the huge production effort of the Second World
A. (A) It is the result of subtracting the depreciation of capital stock from GNI.
B. (B) It can be easily adopted to compare across countries and over time.
C. (C) It is not a perfect measure of people’s welfare.
D. (D) Compared with GDP and GNI, it is a more reasonable national-account measure of welfare.
[填空题]How many years has she been married?
She has been married ().


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